Saturday, December 29, 2007

The New Food Rush

This story takes place in the year 9000.
There was a new food rush on planet Mars. I rushed to Mars climbing the new rope that I invented that goes higher and higher. I know your question right now" Why are you rushing to Mars for a food rush?" Well I'll tell you why it's because all the food in the world finished and the king of the world threatened that he would eat humans so we went to Mars to leave planet Earth and eat some food. It took me a couple of months to reach Mars. Actually, I am not good at reading maps so I ended up in planet Koochi Kawa but I was filled with food and I was the only one there and then I ate and ate and ate. I decided to live in planet Koochi Kawa. One day I went back to earth and got all of my belongings to planet Koochi Kawa. Then I found out that in my planet the food kept on coming automatically and that in Mars there was one measly grape.

Samar Al Ansari
Grade 5D
April 11,1999

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