Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Reunion Heart

Since Heaven has become your home
I sometimes feel I'm so alone;
and though we now are far apart
you hold a big piece of my heart.

I never knew how much I'd grieve
when it was time for you to leave;
or just how much my heart would ache
from that one fragment you would take.

God lets this tender hole remain
reminding me we'll meet again;
and one day all the pain will cease
when He restores this missing piece.

He'll turn to joy my every tear
with thoughts of you I hold so dear;
and they'll become my special way
to treasure our Reunion Day.

Author Unkown

Friday, March 22, 2013

IKNS Carnival

In Loving Memory of Samar, 
IKNS Carnival in her Final School Year

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mother’s Day - Incomplete

Again, Mother’s Day arrived.
Don’t know how past occasions I survived?

Others say, “Be thankful you still have two.”
Those who identify with child loss are few!

It is not the number of children that counts,
Nor is grief determined by scales or amounts.

Although Mother's Day is a reminder of all the love
That a mother shares with her child in heaven above,

It still triggers a lot of sorrow and pain,
And the suffering that a mother for life will sustain.

Her joy on Mother’s Day will always be incomplete
As her child is not there to wish her, and the day greet.

Randah R. Hamadeh, Copyright © 2013
Author, Summer Rays: Solace for Bereaved Parents
Written in loving memory of my daughter,
Samar Ahmed Al Ansari (4/4/1988-4/9/2006)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Excerpts on love and dying

" As long as we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had,
we can die without really going away.
All the love we created is still there.
All the memories are still there.
You live on--
in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here."

by Mitch Albom
Tuesday with Morrie

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A Quote

"Death ends a life  not a relationship"

by Mitch Albom
From tuesdays with Morrie

Monday, March 04, 2013

! كم تغيرت

!كم تغيرت! وكم بات وجهك حزين
عيناك تبوح بآلامك وتخبر الناظرين
بأنك فقدت قطعة منك هي أغلى الغاليين
فأصبحت غير التي نعهدها من كثرة ما تعانين
.الحزن يكلل عينيك ويكشف عن أسى دفين

!ست سنوات مضت ولا زلت تبكين
وكأن ما حدث كان بالأمس وليس من سنين
أخشى عليك لأنك بكل لحظة إبنتك تتذكرين
وأرى بأن هذا غير صحيح لأنك تتعذبين
.تقبلي يا عزيزتي قدرك وإياك ترفضين

ما كان بوسعها أن تعيش الأكثر من السنين
فعمرها حدده يوم ميلادها رب العالمين
لا حيلة لك وإلا ستبقي يوما بعد يوم تذبلين
وأخشى يا عزيزتي من هذا الهم تمرضين
.وربما حياتك يا الغالية قريبا تخسرين

صدقيني فأنا أحبك وأخاف عليك وأنت تعرفين
وأسمع صراخك الصامت دون أن تتفوهين
وأرى دموعك اليائسة وأحزن كباقي المحبين
لكن أريد أن يلتئم جرحك وكما عهدناك تعودين
.تنير البهجة قلبك ومثل باقي البشر تفرحين

© رنده ربحي حماده
 جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
سمر غروب و شروق٢٠٠٧   
سمر شمس لن تغيب ٢٠٠٨
سمر معنا ٢٠١١

Friday, March 01, 2013