Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
وصف مدينة استكهولم
المقدمة: في نهاية العام الدراسي المنصرم كان على والدي أن يحضر مؤتمرا طبيا في استكهولم
الجسم: قررنا أن نذهب إلى استكهولم بسبب المؤتمر ،ولأن السويد دولة خضراء وجميلة جدا.فهكذا زرنا عاصمة السويد استكهولم
نزلت الطائرة في استكهولم وكانت المسافة طويلة بين المطار والفندق فرأيت الأشجار الكثيرة في الحدائق . ثم بدأنا نتنزه في المحلات الكثيرة .كانت الشوارع نظيفة أي نظافة والمحلات التجارية كبيرة جدا. وكان معظم الناس يمشون في الشارع عوضا عن أن يستعملوا سيارتهم وكانت استكهولم مدينة باردة جدا والمطاعم نظيفة واكلها طيب.آه ه.وكان الناس يعزفون على آلاتهم الموسيقية في الشوارع لكي يحصلوا على المال. ومن أطيب الأطيب الأطعمة هناك المعكرونة. وكان في استكهولم متحف لسفينة غرقت بعد التيتانيك. والحدائق هناك خضراء ومسلية جدا
الخاتمة: أتمنى أن أذهب مرة أخرى الى استكهولم لأنني استمتعت كثيرا هناك
سمر الأنصاري
الصف السادس أ
8/9/ 1999
Friday, December 24, 2010
عودي سريعا فزوريني
أتيت يا ملاكي في حلم يوم الرابع من الشهر وزرتيني
كانت زيارتك وجيزة ولكن أجمل ما بها أنك عانقتيني
وجلست في حضني وبيديك الناعمتين كنت تضميني
أسمعت ندائي إليك و توسلي للرحمن فأرسلك لتغيثيني
وتألمت لحالي يا ابنتي الحبيبة فأتيت بحلم لتواسيني
من عذاب فراقك الذي يزداد يوما بعد يوم ويدميني؟
لمستك وضممتك وقبلتك للحظات ولمستني
ما أجملها من هنيهات، قضيتها عندما قبلتيني
وعبيرك فاح وعطرني كما كنت بالأمس تعطريني
ونظرت ففي بحر أوراقك وأشعاري وجدتيني
وكأنك أتيت لتقولي "أمي حفاظك على ذكراي يعزيني
" وما تقومين به من أجلي يفرحني ويرضيني
سأعيش هذه اللحظات حتى المرة القادمة عندما تعوديني
حبيبتي سمر! لا تتأخري! عودي سريعا فزوريني
©رنده ربحي حماده2009
سمر شمس لن تغيب
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
A Love Song
The mention of my child's name
may bring tears to my eyes
but it never fails to bring
music to my ears.
If you really are my friend
please,don't keep me
from hearing the beautiful music.
It soothes my broken heart
and fils my soul with love.
Nancy Williams
Monday, December 20, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
First memory of writing = nursery
Favorite children’s book = The Dumb Bunnies
Favorite books = Holes, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, The Princess Diaries
Favorite subject = P.E.
Three adjectives that describe me = young, funny, talkative
Three nouns = Daughter, student, Arab
Three verbs = entertain, shout, succeed
Simile = As sharp as a knife
Metaphor = I am a loyal dog.
Favorite children’s book = The Dumb Bunnies
Favorite books = Holes, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, The Princess Diaries
Favorite subject = P.E.
Three adjectives that describe me = young, funny, talkative
Three nouns = Daughter, student, Arab
Three verbs = entertain, shout, succeed
Simile = As sharp as a knife
Metaphor = I am a loyal dog.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
أمي أتيت لتريني
أمي، سمعت كل قطعة منك تناديني
فاخترقت المطر وأتيت إليك لتريني
أتيت من خلال الشمس الساطعة كي تعرفيني
أردت من خلال أشعتها أن أحضنك وتحضنيني
وأؤكد لك بأنني أشعر بحنينك فهل تشعرين بحنيني؟
وأقول لك "أمي، أنا معك هنا، يا نور عيني
جئت معك إلى يورك لكي لا تتعذبي وتفتقديني
فأنا دائما معك أينما ذهبت، بقلبك تحمليني
وما هذه إلا إشارة من الخالق حتى تعرفيني
لا تخافي أمي، فأنا معك منذ أن كنت جنينا، قبل أن تنجبيني
ناديتك من خلال أشعة الشمس، وسمعتيني
كم هو عظيم هذا الحبل الخاص الذي به تربطيني
يربطنا أم وابنتها، حتى وأنا عند رب العالمين
كنت تقولي لي "حبل الأم مع ولدها لا ينقطع"، أتذكرين
ولكن لم تتوقعي بأنه سيمتد إلى السماء يوما لتصليني
الشمس لغتنا أنا وأنت فبها دوما تناجيني
وكلما تسطع بأشعتها ستجديني
"!أمي، لا تتوقفي عن التحدث معي فإنك دوما توحشيني
©رنده ربحي حماده2009 سمر شمس لن تغيب
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
Friday, December 10, 2010
Worldwide Candle Lighting
Worldwide Candle Lighting
Sunday 12 December at 7:00 pm
The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting unites family and friends around the globe in lighting candles for one hour to honor and remember children who have died at any age from any cause.
Sunday 12 December at 7:00 pm
The Compassionate Friends Worldwide Candle Lighting unites family and friends around the globe in lighting candles for one hour to honor and remember children who have died at any age from any cause.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
English Essay
In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet many characteristics develop gradually as do characters in any other place of literature. Juliet changed throughout the play. Romeo’s effect on Juliet gradually transformed her from an insecure girl to a woman who takes her own actions.
At the beginning of the play, Juliet is a very obedient child. She isn’t used to make her own decisions, which is evident when her father starts talking about marriage plans to Paris. Like a normal human being Juliet has her own feelings and opinions, but she doesn’t express them strongly .She didn’t want to marry Paris from the start, but she didn’t strongly oppose to it as she did later on in the play .Juliet was insecure and it was evident that she didn’t believe in herself and her abilities, because she never made her own decisions. She was like a stranger to the world; she was dependent on everyone but herself. The fact that she had a “nurse,” was evidence alone that she didn’t take part in the real world. Juliet was very naïve and childlike, but that all changed when Juliet met her supposed one true love, Romeo.
In the balcony scene when Romeo proposes, Juliet agrees without putting the slightest thought to it. It is sensed that Juliet felt obliged and pressured into agreeing to the proposal. Juliet then set up a test by allowing Romeo to make all the wedding arrangements as a way to get out of her obligation. She might have thought that he wouldn’t be able to do it, and wouldn’t return; a perfect scenario. Juliet wasn’t ready for marriage; a child yesterday cannot be a woman today. Romeo made the wedding arrangements, and it is sensed that behind all that happiness laid some unhappiness over her pressured decision. Some might argue that was Juliet’s first decision. In a way that was; she started to make her own decisions, but her decision to get married was based on Romeo’s rash proposal that pressured her. Juliet, a child, never having experienced love before, was a child who didn’t know what she was doing.
In the final scene, when Juliet tragically takes her life she became a grown woman. She killed herself, because of Romeo; he had complete control over her. She awoke seeing her true love take such a rash decision killing himself, and that made her want to do the same. Without Romeo’s incredibly unthought-of decision, Juliet wouldn’t have killed herself. In this scene, Juliet thought for herself for the very first time. No one told her to take a dagger and die such a courageous yet cowardly death, but she did it. She did it because Romeo had done the same, and that reason only was what drove her to do it. Juliet’s whole life became a mess, and to her the only way she could clean it up was to end it. She finally took responsibility for her actions. Some might argue that wasn’t such a responsible thing to do. Yes, that wasn’t, but to her that was the only thing left for her to do.
Juliet had a perfect life. She had parents who loved her, she came from a rich family and she was a beautiful young woman who had the rest of her life ahead of her. She also had unpleasant aspects of her life, she didn’t think for herself, she was insecure, and she was childish. Juliet changed gradually from an insecure girl to a woman who made her own decisions through the actions of Romeo. She was a girl who tried to please everyone but herself, and became a woman who tried to make her own destiny. By killing herself, that was a way of pleasing herself. Romeo changed Juliet’s life, for the better and for the worse.
Samar Al Ansari
Class 9.2
Feb 1st 2003
At the beginning of the play, Juliet is a very obedient child. She isn’t used to make her own decisions, which is evident when her father starts talking about marriage plans to Paris. Like a normal human being Juliet has her own feelings and opinions, but she doesn’t express them strongly .She didn’t want to marry Paris from the start, but she didn’t strongly oppose to it as she did later on in the play .Juliet was insecure and it was evident that she didn’t believe in herself and her abilities, because she never made her own decisions. She was like a stranger to the world; she was dependent on everyone but herself. The fact that she had a “nurse,” was evidence alone that she didn’t take part in the real world. Juliet was very naïve and childlike, but that all changed when Juliet met her supposed one true love, Romeo.
In the balcony scene when Romeo proposes, Juliet agrees without putting the slightest thought to it. It is sensed that Juliet felt obliged and pressured into agreeing to the proposal. Juliet then set up a test by allowing Romeo to make all the wedding arrangements as a way to get out of her obligation. She might have thought that he wouldn’t be able to do it, and wouldn’t return; a perfect scenario. Juliet wasn’t ready for marriage; a child yesterday cannot be a woman today. Romeo made the wedding arrangements, and it is sensed that behind all that happiness laid some unhappiness over her pressured decision. Some might argue that was Juliet’s first decision. In a way that was; she started to make her own decisions, but her decision to get married was based on Romeo’s rash proposal that pressured her. Juliet, a child, never having experienced love before, was a child who didn’t know what she was doing.
In the final scene, when Juliet tragically takes her life she became a grown woman. She killed herself, because of Romeo; he had complete control over her. She awoke seeing her true love take such a rash decision killing himself, and that made her want to do the same. Without Romeo’s incredibly unthought-of decision, Juliet wouldn’t have killed herself. In this scene, Juliet thought for herself for the very first time. No one told her to take a dagger and die such a courageous yet cowardly death, but she did it. She did it because Romeo had done the same, and that reason only was what drove her to do it. Juliet’s whole life became a mess, and to her the only way she could clean it up was to end it. She finally took responsibility for her actions. Some might argue that wasn’t such a responsible thing to do. Yes, that wasn’t, but to her that was the only thing left for her to do.
Juliet had a perfect life. She had parents who loved her, she came from a rich family and she was a beautiful young woman who had the rest of her life ahead of her. She also had unpleasant aspects of her life, she didn’t think for herself, she was insecure, and she was childish. Juliet changed gradually from an insecure girl to a woman who made her own decisions through the actions of Romeo. She was a girl who tried to please everyone but herself, and became a woman who tried to make her own destiny. By killing herself, that was a way of pleasing herself. Romeo changed Juliet’s life, for the better and for the worse.
Samar Al Ansari
Class 9.2
Feb 1st 2003
Saturday, December 04, 2010
!!! رحلتْ
!!! رحلتْ
نعم! لكن في عيوني تجدونها
وفي كل نظرة من نظراتي ترونها
ومع كل كلمة ينطقها لساني
وإن لامستم يداي
.كأنكم تلمسونها
عطرها يطيبني
ومن أريجه تحسونها
وبكل خلية من جسدي
...نعم رحلت
لكنها تحيا في كتاباتي
.التي تقرؤونها
رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة© 2010
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Epic Simile
The elongated leaves of the tree protected me as a mother bird protects her child from the brutal harshness of the world. I was as a baby bird, sheltered from anything overwhelming until it is time to plunge into the world. All the while, the baby bird is left without a single apprehension thinking of nothing but its mother, its protector. The enormous leaf fell on my already aching head, and I knew I was left unprotected once again.
Samar Al Ansari
Samar Al Ansari
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Visit the Site
If you miss Samar, day or night
Don’t hesitate! Just log into her website
She’ll be greeting you as her blog comes to sight
With her charming smile and a face full of light
You’ll find her shinning in each picture, quite bright
Glowing through her words like the sunlight
You’ll feel some sadness, but it’s alright
As you’ll soon feel comfort, even if slight
When the memories vividly rush so bright
Then you will realize what a delight
It was for you to visit her web site.
Randah R. Hamadeh ©, 2010, Copyright
Written in loving memory of my daughter,
Samar Ahmed Al Ansari (4/4/1988-4/9/2006)
Don’t hesitate! Just log into her website
She’ll be greeting you as her blog comes to sight
With her charming smile and a face full of light
You’ll find her shinning in each picture, quite bright
Glowing through her words like the sunlight
You’ll feel some sadness, but it’s alright
As you’ll soon feel comfort, even if slight
When the memories vividly rush so bright
Then you will realize what a delight
It was for you to visit her web site.
Randah R. Hamadeh ©, 2010, Copyright
Written in loving memory of my daughter,
Samar Ahmed Al Ansari (4/4/1988-4/9/2006)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
What do I see?
What do I feel?
Is she here with me?
Is this real?
Soul by soul we wander,
each in different realms
attached by cords of gossamer
stronger than steel.
Gates of life swing open
on so much I cannot tell
unless I let my senses
detect what is more real.
More real than this life only,
more real than breath and bone,
with her spirit my companion,
I do not walk alone.
by Genesse Bordeau Gentry, 2009 ,Copyright©
Catching the Light
What do I feel?
Is she here with me?
Is this real?
Soul by soul we wander,
each in different realms
attached by cords of gossamer
stronger than steel.
Gates of life swing open
on so much I cannot tell
unless I let my senses
detect what is more real.
More real than this life only,
more real than breath and bone,
with her spirit my companion,
I do not walk alone.
by Genesse Bordeau Gentry, 2009 ,Copyright©
Catching the Light
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
كل عام وأنت بخير حبيبتي
كل عام وأنت بخير حبيبتي
العيد أتى..... أينك لتطلي
بملابسك الجديدة المعطرة بالفل؟
كم للقاء الأقارب بالعيد تشوقت
وكم من مرة للسوق ذهبت
وأزهى الملابس للعيد اخترت
.وأجمل تحية للأهل أهديت
أمي، لا أظن أنك شيئا نسيت"
اعرف انك تتألمين كلما تذكرت
أشعر بما تخفين وبما أظهرت
وأعلم أنك لقدوم العيد حزنت
وان الجميع سعداء بالعيد إلا أنت
"أسمعك تعاتبيني قائلة "لماذا رحلت؟
أما بحالك وحالي أمي رأفت؟
فأنا لن أعود أمي مهما تكدرت
لكني معك بروحي أينما التفت
أحوم حولك، أما بي شعرت؟
قبلتك على خدك ومن النوم أفقت
وكنت أول من يهنئك بالعيد فبكيت
امسحي دموعك رفقا بقلبي الذي أحزنت
ورفقا بإخوتي اللذين سيتألمان إن تألمت
أعلم أنك لن تفرحي بالعيد حتى لو حاولت
أمي، أناديك بصمت فهل كلماتي سمعت؟
"اشتقت إليك أكثر مما اشتقت"
رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة© 2010
العيد أتى..... أينك لتطلي
بملابسك الجديدة المعطرة بالفل؟
كم للقاء الأقارب بالعيد تشوقت
وكم من مرة للسوق ذهبت
وأزهى الملابس للعيد اخترت
.وأجمل تحية للأهل أهديت
أمي، لا أظن أنك شيئا نسيت"
اعرف انك تتألمين كلما تذكرت
أشعر بما تخفين وبما أظهرت
وأعلم أنك لقدوم العيد حزنت
وان الجميع سعداء بالعيد إلا أنت
"أسمعك تعاتبيني قائلة "لماذا رحلت؟
أما بحالك وحالي أمي رأفت؟
فأنا لن أعود أمي مهما تكدرت
لكني معك بروحي أينما التفت
أحوم حولك، أما بي شعرت؟
قبلتك على خدك ومن النوم أفقت
وكنت أول من يهنئك بالعيد فبكيت
امسحي دموعك رفقا بقلبي الذي أحزنت
ورفقا بإخوتي اللذين سيتألمان إن تألمت
أعلم أنك لن تفرحي بالعيد حتى لو حاولت
أمي، أناديك بصمت فهل كلماتي سمعت؟
"اشتقت إليك أكثر مما اشتقت"
رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة© 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
بعض ما قال ابن الرومي في رثاء ابنا لم يذكر اسمه
حماه الكرى هم سرى فتأوبا
فبات يراعي النجم حتى تصوبا
أعيني جودا لي فقد جدت للثرى
بأكثر مما تمنعان واطلبا
بني الذي أهديته أمس للثرى
فلله ما أقوى قناتي وأصلبا
فان تمنعاني الدمع أرجع الى الأسى
إذا فترت عنه الدموع تلهبا
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Compare and Contrast Paragraph
From the few points I’ve heard about the main characters of my tablemates’ novels, I have learned that their main characters and my main character share many differences as well as similarities. The main character of my novel “Habibi, Liyana Abboud, is an insecure, confused girl, who is scared about staring a whole new life. My tablemates’ main characters are all teenage boys. One of them is a trouble maker, the other is simply tough, and the last one is a week rejected person who gets into a lot of fights. Unlike the first two characters, Liyana isn’t tough or secure about herself and her personality. She keeps referring to her self as a “half –half”, because her father is Palestinian, while her mother is American. She doesn’t seem to know who she is, and she seems scared of sharing her path of self discovery. She has something in common with the rejected boy, because he too seems to be scared and confused. The other two boys seem to be sure of themselves. My tablemates’ main character s all seem to get into trouble, while Liyana is a girl who accepts everything, but keeps her emotions bottled up inside. As for the setting of my novel and my tablemates’ novels, they are very different. The setting of “Habibi” is in a neighborhood in St Louis, but will soon change to Jerusalem, Palestine. It takes place in a modern day, in an urban society, but will soon change to a society which is a more of rural and urban societies. The settings of my tablemate’s novels all take place in modern day high school, in an urban society as well.
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 9.2
6/1/ 2003
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 9.2
6/1/ 2003
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Thursday, November 04, 2010
قارئة الطالع
" قارئة الطالع، أخبريني بما ترين"
أرى أنك من بلاد المقدس، فلسطين
عيناك تدل بأنك فقدت أحد البنات أو البنين
ظلمك الدهر فأصبحت من المنكوبين
قلبك مكسور، معذب، ملتاع وحزين
همك ثقيلا لم أر مثله طوال السنين
إلا أنك رغم قسوة الدهر، من الصابرين
عطرك طيب كعطر الفل والياسمين
قرأت طالعك ثلاث مرات كاملين
وتأكدت أنك من المقهورين والمعذبين
©رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
Monday, November 01, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
ابن الرومي في رثاء ابنه الأوسط - تكملة
لقد قل بين المهد واللحد لبثه
فلم ينس عهد المهد إذ ضم في اللحد
ألح عليه النزف حتى أحاله
إلى صفرة الجادي عن حمرة الورد
وظل على الأيدي تساقط نفسه
ويذوي كما يذوي القضيب من الرند
محمد ما شئ توهم سلوةً
لقلبي، إلا زاد قلبي من الوجد
أرى أخويك الباقيين كليهما
يكونان للأحزان أورى من الزند
إذا لعبا في ملعب لك لذعا
فؤادي بمثل النار من غير ما عمد
فما فيهما لي سلوة بل حزازة
يهيجانها دوني وأشقى بها وحدي
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Jessi and Malory are alike: They are both nice. They both like to read novels and they are both good friends.
Jessi and Malory are different in that Jessi likes to dance and Malory likes to write novels. Jessi is an African American and Malory is white. Jessi comes from a small family while Malory comes from a large family.
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 5D
May 9, 1999
Jessi and Malory are different in that Jessi likes to dance and Malory likes to write novels. Jessi is an African American and Malory is white. Jessi comes from a small family while Malory comes from a large family.
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 5D
May 9, 1999
Sunday, October 24, 2010
عذرا أم كلثوم
عذرا أم كلثوم ، كوكب الشرق والغرب
الجميع من حولي يتطلع إلى ليلة من الطرب
تصدح فيها أغانيك بصوت نجمة العذب
أغانيك التي أطربتني و ملايين من العرب
واليوم لا مكان لها في قلبي المكسور المتعب
فكيف أطرب وابنتي رحلت إلى الرب
والدم ينزف من فؤادي الجريح المكتئب؟
تلك الأيام رحلت ولن ألقاها بالدرب
!فحبيبتي ذهبت قبلي، انه لأمر عجب
واصطحبت الشجو عندما قضت إلى النحب
"عودي وغني " سمر شمس مشرقة بالقلب
عودي واشدي " سمر شمس لن تغبِ
"تركت إرثا من الذكريات والحب
©رنده ربحي حماده
©رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
2010 جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
Friday, October 22, 2010
Bereaved Arab Families and Friends

Now on Facebook!/pages/Bereaved-Arab-Families-and-Friends/117862178274455
Monday, October 18, 2010
Writing Center
I was watching T.V. when I heard a noise outside so I went out and I saw a dog. It was very weak and thirsty so I gave him some water and biscuits. Then I took him outside, but he came back in. The next day I took him to the vet and he was so scared that he ran out, then we took him back in and they put him for sale. Now from time to time I visit this poor dog.
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 5D
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 5D
Thursday, October 14, 2010
أفل بدري
دموعي لألئ عالقة على رمشي
وفاجعتي أحملها حين أقف و أمشي
لساني يناديك مع كل حرف بنطقي
معبرا عن شدة ألمي و كثرة شوقي
رأسي المهموم لا يستطع حمله كتفي
ولوعتي جلية ، لم يعد هنالك ما أخفي
نار البلية تحرق روحي و جسمي
والمصيبة أصبحت كنيتي واسمي
الدم في عروقي صارخ يسري
يناديك لتعودي وتفكي أسري
سجينة الحزن فقدت معك عمري
لا أحد يعوضني عنك يا سمري
إن فقدك قد كسرني وأشقاني يا ابنتي
وليس هنالك ما يخفف من لوعتي
كل خلية في جسدي عليك تبكي
وتتضرع إلى البارئ وتشكي
الأرق يرافقني حتى طلوع الفجر
.والراحة هجرتني بعد أن أفل بدري
©رنده ربحي حماده
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة 2010
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة 2010
(أم سمر)
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
More from Gibran
Wear not the black of mourning
But rejoice with me in white rainment.
Speak not in sorrow of my going
But close your eyes and you shall see me among you,
Now and forever more.
Lay me down upon leafy boughs,
Raise me high upon shoulders,
Then lead me slowly to the wild places.
Khalil Gibran
A Tear and a smile
But rejoice with me in white rainment.
Speak not in sorrow of my going
But close your eyes and you shall see me among you,
Now and forever more.
Lay me down upon leafy boughs,
Raise me high upon shoulders,
Then lead me slowly to the wild places.
Khalil Gibran
A Tear and a smile
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Synopsis on Joseph Stalin
Joseph Stalin is viewed by some as the Russian savior, but he is also viewed as the definition of cruelty. An ironic turn of events happened as a result of the Bolshevik Revolution. The Russians were tired of Czar Nicholas’s absolute rule and a revolution was led against him. But, Joseph Stalin ruled as an absolute ruler for almost 30 years. Joseph Stalin is a name associated with totalitarian rule, for he was the absolute ruler. Anything and anyone in his way was immediately destroyed.
Despite his status as a leader, he came from humble beginnings. He was born to peasants in the province of Georgia. His father worked as a shoe maker, and his mother as a maid. He was not an exceptional student, for he was not an intellectual. But one thing for certain, he was a man of action. He adopted Stalin, “man of steel”, in 1912.
Stalin did not take part in the Bolshevik Revolution, but joined Lenin’s cause in 1919. Later, he rewrote history and said that he did take part in the Bolshevik Revolution. He did have a role in the Russian Civil War between 1918 and 1920. He was later appointed as Commissar of Nationalities. He remarried at the age of 30 after his first wife died.
In 1920 the Bolsheviks were victorious, but soon food became scarce. Some began to wonder about the food that Lenin promised. Bolsheviks eliminated religion in order to increase their control over the Russians. In 1922, Stalin was appointed the Party Secretariat. He soon began to appoint people that were loyal to him in order to maintain control. Lenin suffered a stroke and wrote in his will that he did not want Stalin to rule, Trotsky was the most favorable. Stalin acted quickly by forming an anti-Trotsky alliance, and an alliance with the conservatives. He became leader after Lenin’s death and Trotsky was driven into exile in 1927.
As leader, Stalin began his 5 year plans, and imposed collective farming. Kulaks, people against this idea, were punished or driven into exile. Food grew scarce in the collective farms, and as a result of the famine many turned to cannibalism. Stalin denied the famine.
Stalin used terror and propaganda to maintain power. He enforced gulags, or labor camps, in which people worked to death. He once said, ‘Death solves all problems. No man will result in no problems.’ When questioned about how long he will continue to kill people that were in his way he said, “As long as necessary”. He began to purge intellectuals. In 1936-1938 he began his “show trials”, in which he sent many Bolsheviks to trials. It was the ultimate psychological mind game, the Bolsheviks would confess to crimes they didn’t commit after long periods of torture. In 1940, Stalin sent one of his men to kill Trotsky in Mexico; Trotsky was killed with an ice pick. Stalin blamed his terror on an overzealous police force. Stalinist Russia was filled with propaganda posters, edited pictures, and basic control of sources of information. The Russians were indoctrinated by Stalinist policies.
Stalin’s wife knew of Stalin’s ruthless ways, and it is believed that she committed suicide. Some believe that Stalin killed her after an argument. Stalin had an alliance with Hitler during the beginning of WW1, but after the surprise German invasion of Russia, Stalin had no choice but to forge an alliance with the allies.
Samar Al-Ansari
Grade 11.5
Despite his status as a leader, he came from humble beginnings. He was born to peasants in the province of Georgia. His father worked as a shoe maker, and his mother as a maid. He was not an exceptional student, for he was not an intellectual. But one thing for certain, he was a man of action. He adopted Stalin, “man of steel”, in 1912.
Stalin did not take part in the Bolshevik Revolution, but joined Lenin’s cause in 1919. Later, he rewrote history and said that he did take part in the Bolshevik Revolution. He did have a role in the Russian Civil War between 1918 and 1920. He was later appointed as Commissar of Nationalities. He remarried at the age of 30 after his first wife died.
In 1920 the Bolsheviks were victorious, but soon food became scarce. Some began to wonder about the food that Lenin promised. Bolsheviks eliminated religion in order to increase their control over the Russians. In 1922, Stalin was appointed the Party Secretariat. He soon began to appoint people that were loyal to him in order to maintain control. Lenin suffered a stroke and wrote in his will that he did not want Stalin to rule, Trotsky was the most favorable. Stalin acted quickly by forming an anti-Trotsky alliance, and an alliance with the conservatives. He became leader after Lenin’s death and Trotsky was driven into exile in 1927.
As leader, Stalin began his 5 year plans, and imposed collective farming. Kulaks, people against this idea, were punished or driven into exile. Food grew scarce in the collective farms, and as a result of the famine many turned to cannibalism. Stalin denied the famine.
Stalin used terror and propaganda to maintain power. He enforced gulags, or labor camps, in which people worked to death. He once said, ‘Death solves all problems. No man will result in no problems.’ When questioned about how long he will continue to kill people that were in his way he said, “As long as necessary”. He began to purge intellectuals. In 1936-1938 he began his “show trials”, in which he sent many Bolsheviks to trials. It was the ultimate psychological mind game, the Bolsheviks would confess to crimes they didn’t commit after long periods of torture. In 1940, Stalin sent one of his men to kill Trotsky in Mexico; Trotsky was killed with an ice pick. Stalin blamed his terror on an overzealous police force. Stalinist Russia was filled with propaganda posters, edited pictures, and basic control of sources of information. The Russians were indoctrinated by Stalinist policies.
Stalin’s wife knew of Stalin’s ruthless ways, and it is believed that she committed suicide. Some believe that Stalin killed her after an argument. Stalin had an alliance with Hitler during the beginning of WW1, but after the surprise German invasion of Russia, Stalin had no choice but to forge an alliance with the allies.
Samar Al-Ansari
Grade 11.5
Monday, October 04, 2010
Please come back
Please come back
even if
for few moments,
I pray.
As a parent,
I took your life
for granted
and never imagined
that you’ll ever leave before me
even by one day.
With your departure,
not only had I lost a part of me
but many other losses
And now my old self
seems so faraway…
There aren’t any words
that can express how distraught
I am, or images that
can adequately portray
my yearning for you
and for the moments
we shared in sadness,
joy or play.
By going unexpectedly
You gave me no chance
to tell you
all what I wanted to say.
I wish to apologize
if I ever caused you
any dismay
and also want you to know
that I think of you
night and day.
Even though,
you’re in my heart
and forever you’ll
I want you to
please come back
just for few moments
I pray.
Come back to hug me
and tell me
“Mother, I am okay”.
And for me to hold you
for a moment,
in my arms
and say all what
I need to say.
Or better,
come back to affirm
that your death
is just a hearsay
And that you
went on a trip
and that is why
you were away.
Randah R. Hamadeh, 2010, Copyright©
even if
for few moments,
I pray.
As a parent,
I took your life
for granted
and never imagined
that you’ll ever leave before me
even by one day.
With your departure,
not only had I lost a part of me
but many other losses
And now my old self
seems so faraway…
There aren’t any words
that can express how distraught
I am, or images that
can adequately portray
my yearning for you
and for the moments
we shared in sadness,
joy or play.
By going unexpectedly
You gave me no chance
to tell you
all what I wanted to say.
I wish to apologize
if I ever caused you
any dismay
and also want you to know
that I think of you
night and day.
Even though,
you’re in my heart
and forever you’ll
I want you to
please come back
just for few moments
I pray.
Come back to hug me
and tell me
“Mother, I am okay”.
And for me to hold you
for a moment,
in my arms
and say all what
I need to say.
Or better,
come back to affirm
that your death
is just a hearsay
And that you
went on a trip
and that is why
you were away.
Randah R. Hamadeh, 2010, Copyright©
Friday, October 01, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Like sound in snow,
grief absorbs,
muffles life around us,
while pain darkens,
overshadows all
in clouds of sorrow.
by Genesse Bordeau Gentry, 2009 ,Copyright©
Catching the Light
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
My Worst Habit
My worst habit is shaking my foot. Not only do I do it while I’m nervous, I do it constantly, I even do it before I go to sleep. As I was thinking, about my worst habit, I realized that I was shaking my right foot. I do it without realizing so most of the time. Unfortunately, I don’t think I can stop because I think this is something genetic, because my father has the same awful habit I have. They say that when you shake your foot you are nervous, but I’m doing it right now and I’m not the least bit nervous. Oh well, it gives me character.
Samar Al-Ansari 11.5
Sep. 24, ‘04
Samar Al-Ansari 11.5
Sep. 24, ‘04
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Don't Ask Me
“Remove her pictures
and to her grave don’t go.
Empty her room,
you’ll feel better, I know
Because as long as you cling
to every thing
sadness will always
at your door bell ring.”
Your words
are breaking my heart.
You want me to forget
what of me is a part?
Now my beloved
is closer to me than before
I keep her in my heart
and close the door
Leave me alone
in the way I handle my grief
My heartache
is severe beyond belief
The ultimate loss of a child
is so unique
It will never ease
but makes the parent weak
And the mother’s grief
so profound
It gets deeper and deeper
as the years go round
So please don’t ask me
not to do this or that
But give me a hug
and about her let’s chat
Randah R. Hamadeh, 2009, Copyright©
Summer Rays
Written in loving memory of my daughter
Samar Ahmed Al Ansari (4/4/1988-4/9/2006)
and to her grave don’t go.
Empty her room,
you’ll feel better, I know
Because as long as you cling
to every thing
sadness will always
at your door bell ring.”
Your words
are breaking my heart.
You want me to forget
what of me is a part?
Now my beloved
is closer to me than before
I keep her in my heart
and close the door
Leave me alone
in the way I handle my grief
My heartache
is severe beyond belief
The ultimate loss of a child
is so unique
It will never ease
but makes the parent weak
And the mother’s grief
so profound
It gets deeper and deeper
as the years go round
So please don’t ask me
not to do this or that
But give me a hug
and about her let’s chat
Randah R. Hamadeh, 2009, Copyright©
Summer Rays
Written in loving memory of my daughter
Samar Ahmed Al Ansari (4/4/1988-4/9/2006)
Monday, September 13, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
صلاة العيد
كنت بين جموع المصلين
وإلى جانبي يا ابنتي تقفين
ولرب العزة معي تسجدين
تسلمي على سيد المرسلين
.وبقدوم العيد إياي تهنئين
أتيت لأنك تريدي أن تؤكدين
بأنك معي أينما حللت تذهبين
وبما أفعل يا حبيبتي تشاركين
.ووحشة العيد دونك، تخففين
وإلى جانبي يا ابنتي تقفين
ولرب العزة معي تسجدين
تسلمي على سيد المرسلين
.وبقدوم العيد إياي تهنئين
أتيت لأنك تريدي أن تؤكدين
بأنك معي أينما حللت تذهبين
وبما أفعل يا حبيبتي تشاركين
.ووحشة العيد دونك، تخففين
،رأيتك ملابس العيد ترتدين
وبأجمل الحلي يا ابنتي تتزينين
وشممت العطر الذي به تطيبين
فأحسست بك... يا أغلى الغاليين
وشعرت بتميزي عن الآخرين
فحبيبة قلبي ترافقني حتى
.وهي عند رب العالمين
©رنده ربحي حماده
وبأجمل الحلي يا ابنتي تتزينين
وشممت العطر الذي به تطيبين
فأحسست بك... يا أغلى الغاليين
وشعرت بتميزي عن الآخرين
فحبيبة قلبي ترافقني حتى
.وهي عند رب العالمين
©رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
Sunday, September 05, 2010
ليلة القدر
"أمي! ليلة القدر هلت اطلبي ما تشائين
ادع لي ولأخوتي ولباقي المحبين
التمسي الصبر لك والرحمة لي يا أغلى الغاليين
ادع فأبواب السماوات مفتوحة للقانطين
ربنا يسمع ويلبي دعاء الخاشعين
و يحقق الأماني للذين على صلاتهم مواظبين
"أمي! إن شاء الله سيحقق لك ما تتمنين
يا ابنتي! لا أريد إلا أن تكوني بالجنة تتمتعين
تحيط بك الورود و الأزهار و الرياحين
وأن تكوني من الذين هم على الأرائك متكئين
تجلسين بجوار الشهداء و الصديقين
كما أريد أن أضمك إلى صدري وأنا بعالم النائمين
نتحادث كما كنا نفعل عبر الأيام والسنين
و أن يحفظ لي أباك وأخاك وأختك والمقربين
أمي أنا في ديار رب العالمين"
في كنف الرحمن، أتمنى أن تطمأنين
"سأزورك في حلم دون أن تتوقعين
©رنده ربحي حماده
ادع لي ولأخوتي ولباقي المحبين
التمسي الصبر لك والرحمة لي يا أغلى الغاليين
ادع فأبواب السماوات مفتوحة للقانطين
ربنا يسمع ويلبي دعاء الخاشعين
و يحقق الأماني للذين على صلاتهم مواظبين
"أمي! إن شاء الله سيحقق لك ما تتمنين
يا ابنتي! لا أريد إلا أن تكوني بالجنة تتمتعين
تحيط بك الورود و الأزهار و الرياحين
وأن تكوني من الذين هم على الأرائك متكئين
تجلسين بجوار الشهداء و الصديقين
كما أريد أن أضمك إلى صدري وأنا بعالم النائمين
نتحادث كما كنا نفعل عبر الأيام والسنين
و أن يحفظ لي أباك وأخاك وأختك والمقربين
أمي أنا في ديار رب العالمين"
في كنف الرحمن، أتمنى أن تطمأنين
"سأزورك في حلم دون أن تتوقعين
©رنده ربحي حماده
جميع الحقوق محفزظة للمؤلفة 2010
(أم سمر)
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Too Many Fours
Four years since you passed away
Samar 404
Four years
since you walked out the door.
Life went on mostly bitter
but at times sweet
Yet without you,
everything is incomplete.
Events do happen,
but I wish time to stand still,
I don’t want to move on.
I don’t have the will.
When I go to new places,
I shed a tear
As I don’t want to see
nor hear
what you can’t
my daughter, dear
hear or see
loud and clear.
You are with me
every minute of my day
Trying to lead me
and show me the way.
I sense your presence
in many different ways,
At times experience a touch,
or see a gaze.
It’s not enough! I want to go back
to when you were here,
When I can feel your touch
and hear your voice very near.
Nothing is the same
since you’ve gone
Everything changed,
even the moon and the sun.
My heart is weary
And it can’t anymore bear
to look at your empty room
and empty chair.
People tell me
“Pain wanes as time goes along”
What a myth!
Nothing can be more wrong.
So here I have
another anniversary to face
Oh, loving Samar,
I wish this day I can erase
It marks the fourth year
since you went away
Too many fours for me to handle,
no matter how much I pray.
May God help me
go through the many fours
And enable me to do
my different chores.
As for you,
my little one
It’s true you’ve left,
but for me never gone.
Randah Ribhi Hamadeh ©2010
Written in loving memory of my daughter
Samar Ahmed Al Ansari (4/4/1988-4/9/2006)
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
You’ll Find Me
Mother, look around you,
you’ll find me…
When you look at the mirror,
you’ll find me…
In the faces of my siblings,
you’ll find me…
When you are with my friends,
you’ll find me…
In the empty seats,
you’ll find me…
When you watch the sunrise,
you’ll find me…
And as the sun sets,
you’ll find me…
As you look at the sea,
you’ll find me…
And in the desert sands,
you’ll find me…
With the beauty of flowers,
you’ll find me…
Mother, wherever you look,
you’ll find me.
you’ll find me…
When you look at the mirror,
you’ll find me…
In the faces of my siblings,
you’ll find me…
When you are with my friends,
you’ll find me…
In the empty seats,
you’ll find me…
When you watch the sunrise,
you’ll find me…
And as the sun sets,
you’ll find me…
As you look at the sea,
you’ll find me…
And in the desert sands,
you’ll find me…
With the beauty of flowers,
you’ll find me…
Mother, wherever you look,
you’ll find me.
Randah R. Hamadeh , Copyright©
Summer Rays, 2009
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
For Those I Left Behind
For those of you I left behind
I know that I am in everyone's mind
You remember me in your own way
Every minute of the day
You remember me with each sunrise
And when the sun sets and the sky cries
Whenever you take a car ride
On the empty seat I sit and hide
And when you go to a place I like
I walk with you on my invisible bike
And when you eat my favorite food
It will boost up your low mood
Rest assured that I hear your prayer
You do not see me, but I am always there
Randah R. Hamadeh , Copyright©
Summer Rays, 2009, page 65
Written in loving memory of my daughter
Samar Ahmed Al Ansari
I know that I am in everyone's mind
You remember me in your own way
Every minute of the day
You remember me with each sunrise
And when the sun sets and the sky cries
Whenever you take a car ride
On the empty seat I sit and hide
And when you go to a place I like
I walk with you on my invisible bike
And when you eat my favorite food
It will boost up your low mood
Rest assured that I hear your prayer
You do not see me, but I am always there
Randah R. Hamadeh , Copyright©
Summer Rays, 2009, page 65
Written in loving memory of my daughter
Samar Ahmed Al Ansari
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
رمضان هل هلالك
هل رمضان ،الشهر الفضيل
حاملا معه الحنين
رغم مرور الأيام والسنين
.بصحبة الشجن و الأنين
حاملا معه الحنين
رغم مرور الأيام والسنين
.بصحبة الشجن و الأنين
!!أبحث عنك
فكنت بقدومه تفرحين
والأهل و الأصدقاء تهنئين
وكنت للسوق معي تذهبين
.أجمل الحاجات تشترين
فكنت بقدومه تفرحين
والأهل و الأصدقاء تهنئين
وكنت للسوق معي تذهبين
.أجمل الحاجات تشترين
...تقولين، "أمي
لا تنسي توقظيني للسحور
حين تستيقظين
ليس للأكل فقط كما تعلمين
."لأخشع وأصلي لرب العالمين
إلى المطبخ
كنت دوما تأتين
لا تنسي توقظيني للسحور
حين تستيقظين
ليس للأكل فقط كما تعلمين
."لأخشع وأصلي لرب العالمين
إلى المطبخ
كنت دوما تأتين
ماذا للإفطار اليوم تعدين ؟"
أهي الفطائر التي أحبها تحضرين؟
لقمة القاضي أمي ، لا تنسين
، أعديها
."معذرة لو كنت ستتعبين
لقمة القاضي أمي ، لا تنسين
، أعديها
."معذرة لو كنت ستتعبين
والمعلقة من يدي تخطفين
تحركي الطعام وتساعدين
ثم عن موعد المسلسل تخبرين
.ولنشاهده معا تناشدين
بعد الإفطار،تسرعي وتصلين
ثم نشاهد البرامج الرمضانية مجتمعين
،الشاي والقهوة للجميع تصبين
وعند موعد صلاة التراويح تنادين
"هيا أمي ، أين عباءتك ،لا تتأخرين"
سأفتقدك... عندما
أعد الطعام وأنت معي لا تقفين
تغيبي عن الإفطار ونحن مجتمعين
أأكل من الطعام ما كنت تشتهين
أستمع إلى نداء المؤذنين
.أقف بين جموع المصلين
تحركي الطعام وتساعدين
ثم عن موعد المسلسل تخبرين
.ولنشاهده معا تناشدين
بعد الإفطار،تسرعي وتصلين
ثم نشاهد البرامج الرمضانية مجتمعين
،الشاي والقهوة للجميع تصبين
وعند موعد صلاة التراويح تنادين
"هيا أمي ، أين عباءتك ،لا تتأخرين"
سأفتقدك... عندما
أعد الطعام وأنت معي لا تقفين
تغيبي عن الإفطار ونحن مجتمعين
أأكل من الطعام ما كنت تشتهين
أستمع إلى نداء المؤذنين
.أقف بين جموع المصلين
.قطعا سأفتقدك حبيبتي في كل حين
2010©رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
I Miss You
I cannot forget the look you had
You were so unhappy and sad
What is it that you wanted to say?
Tell me, dear daughter, I pray!
“Mother, I miss you isn't it clear?
I know although I am far and near
Yet I miss throwing myself into your arms
And receiving a kiss that always calms
Although I am happy here above
I want to be with the ones I love
I miss being with my friends
Enjoying every moment, until the day ends
I miss being with my sister and brother
Watching films and laughing with one another
I miss simple things like sipping tea
And watching the sunset by the sea
Do you know now why I was about to cry?
I wish mother I stayed and did not die
I wish that we can turn back in time
For these moments, I would have paid every dime”
Randah R. Hamadeh, 2009 Copyright©
Summer Rays, Page 29
Written in loving memory of my daughter
Samar Ahmed Al Ansari (4/4/1988-4/9/2006)
You were so unhappy and sad
What is it that you wanted to say?
Tell me, dear daughter, I pray!
“Mother, I miss you isn't it clear?
I know although I am far and near
Yet I miss throwing myself into your arms
And receiving a kiss that always calms
Although I am happy here above
I want to be with the ones I love
I miss being with my friends
Enjoying every moment, until the day ends
I miss being with my sister and brother
Watching films and laughing with one another
I miss simple things like sipping tea
And watching the sunset by the sea
Do you know now why I was about to cry?
I wish mother I stayed and did not die
I wish that we can turn back in time
For these moments, I would have paid every dime”
Randah R. Hamadeh, 2009 Copyright©
Summer Rays, Page 29
Written in loving memory of my daughter
Samar Ahmed Al Ansari (4/4/1988-4/9/2006)
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Friday, July 30, 2010
Image Reflected on A Mirror
An experiment to test the properties of an image reflected by a mirror was preformed. The properties are as follows:
The image is a virtual image.
The image is upright.
The image is the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front. In other words, v = u
Therefore, since v = u, the linear magnification=1.
Through the diagram on the next page, it is shown that a pin(P) was placed in front of a mirror, a relative surface. Two other pins, P1 and P2 were situated to appear collinear with the image of P from a certain angle. The same step was followed with P3 and P4.
In order to verify the properties of an image reflected by a mirror, both the distance of the image and the distance of the object, v and u respectively, were measured. u was measured to be 6.1 cm, while v was measured to be 6.2 cm.
In order to calculate the linear magnification, the following formula is used: m=v/u
Therefore m=6.2/6.1
The results of this particular experiment seem to have been quite accurate, in exception for the slight difference between the values of u and v. To calculate the relative percentage error, the following formula will be used:
Relative percentage error (observed m-actual m/actual m)*100
Therefore (0.98-1/1)*100=-2.0% error, meaning that error was found to be 2% less than the actual value.
Even though the rays appear to pass through the point P’, they do not as the image is virtual. It is also obvious that the image is upright. As indicated through the following page, this experiment portrays the law of reflection as the incident angle=reflected angle.
Thus it is quite clear that this experiment clearly exhibits the properties of an image formed by a plane mirror.
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 6
The image is a virtual image.
The image is upright.
The image is the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front. In other words, v = u
Therefore, since v = u, the linear magnification=1.
Through the diagram on the next page, it is shown that a pin(P) was placed in front of a mirror, a relative surface. Two other pins, P1 and P2 were situated to appear collinear with the image of P from a certain angle. The same step was followed with P3 and P4.
In order to verify the properties of an image reflected by a mirror, both the distance of the image and the distance of the object, v and u respectively, were measured. u was measured to be 6.1 cm, while v was measured to be 6.2 cm.
In order to calculate the linear magnification, the following formula is used: m=v/u
Therefore m=6.2/6.1
The results of this particular experiment seem to have been quite accurate, in exception for the slight difference between the values of u and v. To calculate the relative percentage error, the following formula will be used:
Relative percentage error (observed m-actual m/actual m)*100
Therefore (0.98-1/1)*100=-2.0% error, meaning that error was found to be 2% less than the actual value.
Even though the rays appear to pass through the point P’, they do not as the image is virtual. It is also obvious that the image is upright. As indicated through the following page, this experiment portrays the law of reflection as the incident angle=reflected angle.
Thus it is quite clear that this experiment clearly exhibits the properties of an image formed by a plane mirror.
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 6
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Author unknown
Let not the sun too fiercely on you burn,
Not wayfaring star eclipse your lovely light;
And while the clouds cover you from my sight,
May my love lay on you like thistledown.
Author unknown
Not wayfaring star eclipse your lovely light;
And while the clouds cover you from my sight,
May my love lay on you like thistledown.
Author unknown
Saturday, July 24, 2010
أيتها الأيام
أيتها الأيام، لماذا علي تقسي؟
أين سعادتي؟ أين أمسي؟
أخذت فلذة قلبي و تاج رأسي
.قمر نهاري وبالليل شمسي
أين سعادتي؟ أين أمسي؟
أخذت فلذة قلبي و تاج رأسي
.قمر نهاري وبالليل شمسي
بوشاح الحزن شئت حياتي تكسي
.بت أناظر المرآة ولا أعرف نفسي
ندبة الفقد على وجهي تعبر عن بأسي
.وعيوني دفن بريقها ولازمها يأسي
لماذا أسقيتني العلقم وملأت به كأسي؟
رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة© 2010
.بت أناظر المرآة ولا أعرف نفسي
ندبة الفقد على وجهي تعبر عن بأسي
.وعيوني دفن بريقها ولازمها يأسي
لماذا أسقيتني العلقم وملأت به كأسي؟
رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة© 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
In idle conversation
you ask me about
my children.
You are an acquaintance.
I do not know you well
and so I don a masque,
I speak happily of joys,
light-heartedly of mischief,
but I do not speak
of death.
I do not want to see
the shadow of uncertainty
pass your face.
And feel the
awkward silence that falls
like a curtain between us.
I do not want to say,
"It's okay, that was
long time ago."
It will never be quite" okay"
and sometimes it seems
like yesterday.
And so I take my masque
along with me through life
like a perpetual Halloween night,
to hide just a bit from people
and to preserve my strength.
For mourning is tiring
and each time I recount
that day of death
I am a little wearied.
I would much rather speak
of the joys of his life
than the sorrows of his death,
to strangers
who absently ask
of children.
Yet tragedy is more universal
than ever I had known
before it touched my life.
And so at times I wonder
who else looks out from behind
a masque.
By Karen Nelson
you ask me about
my children.
You are an acquaintance.
I do not know you well
and so I don a masque,
I speak happily of joys,
light-heartedly of mischief,
but I do not speak
of death.
I do not want to see
the shadow of uncertainty
pass your face.
And feel the
awkward silence that falls
like a curtain between us.
I do not want to say,
"It's okay, that was
long time ago."
It will never be quite" okay"
and sometimes it seems
like yesterday.
And so I take my masque
along with me through life
like a perpetual Halloween night,
to hide just a bit from people
and to preserve my strength.
For mourning is tiring
and each time I recount
that day of death
I am a little wearied.
I would much rather speak
of the joys of his life
than the sorrows of his death,
to strangers
who absently ask
of children.
Yet tragedy is more universal
than ever I had known
before it touched my life.
And so at times I wonder
who else looks out from behind
a masque.
By Karen Nelson
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
My Most Dear
I know you recognize me,
my most dear
When I whisper “I love you”
in your ear
In a soundless voice
that you can hear
And when I wipe from your face
every tear
And steal a kiss so warm
and sincere
To others, I am gone
it might appear
But for you,
to your heart and mind I adhere
Mother, my physical absence
do not fear
I am always with you,
I did not disappear
Although I am very far,
yet I am so near
Randah R. Hamadeh, 2009, Copyright©
Summer Rays, page 85
Written in loving memory of my daughter
Samar Ahmed Al Ansari
my most dear
When I whisper “I love you”
in your ear
In a soundless voice
that you can hear
And when I wipe from your face
every tear
And steal a kiss so warm
and sincere
To others, I am gone
it might appear
But for you,
to your heart and mind I adhere
Mother, my physical absence
do not fear
I am always with you,
I did not disappear
Although I am very far,
yet I am so near
Randah R. Hamadeh, 2009, Copyright©
Summer Rays, page 85
Written in loving memory of my daughter
Samar Ahmed Al Ansari
Monday, July 12, 2010
I hate it when people criticize, don’t you? Yesterday it wasn’t about criticism; it is about hearing that I was a bad artist from my own teacher. Yes, it hurts. I know I’m not fabulous at art but it kind of hurts to hear from your teacher that I don’t draw well. She didn’t say it in that way exactly; she said I’m only going to choose good artists to do the pot. She chose my friend and my friend asked about me but she said oh, maybe X. She didn’t choose my other friend either. That is how I feel like she likes my other friend more. I’ve been realizing that since a long time. Once I was working on a jar and actually I didn’t start it yet so I wanted the teacher to draw it for me. I kept on saying it over and over again. But she just went to my friend. That sucks, that really does and I hate it!
I like my teacher but she should treat everyone the same way not differently. Maybe I’m over exaggerating but I’m the type of person who gets hurt easily.
Well maybe I should not mind what the Miss thinks.
Samar Al Ansari
I like my teacher but she should treat everyone the same way not differently. Maybe I’m over exaggerating but I’m the type of person who gets hurt easily.
Well maybe I should not mind what the Miss thinks.
Samar Al Ansari
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Selected Vocabulary Homework (2)
Accomplishments: I hope to look down at my accomplishments and be proud.
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 6A
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 6A
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
Selected Vocabulary Homework (1)
Opportunity: I am lucky because I had the opportunity to see my cousins from America twice this year.
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 6A
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 6A
Sunday, July 04, 2010
كيف ؟
كيف لي أن أفرح وسمر تحت التراب
أو أتسامر وأضحك مع الأتراب
وأطرب لأغنية هند أو رباب
بعد غياب فلذة كبدي أيها الأحباب؟
أظلمت دنياي ففاق سوداها لون الغراب
منذ رحيل حبيبتي، زينة الشباب
كيف يمضي الزمن و يدور كالدولاب؟
وكيف تستمر الحياة ووجه الغالية غاب؟
خجلا للفرح أن يأتي وأنا بهذا العذاب
.ليرحل، طالما الدموع سكنت الأهداب
أو أتسامر وأضحك مع الأتراب
وأطرب لأغنية هند أو رباب
بعد غياب فلذة كبدي أيها الأحباب؟
أظلمت دنياي ففاق سوداها لون الغراب
منذ رحيل حبيبتي، زينة الشباب
كيف يمضي الزمن و يدور كالدولاب؟
وكيف تستمر الحياة ووجه الغالية غاب؟
خجلا للفرح أن يأتي وأنا بهذا العذاب
.ليرحل، طالما الدموع سكنت الأهداب
2010 © رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
Thursday, July 01, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
A poem by an unknown author
Lend me your hope for a while,
I seem to have mislaid mine.
Lost and hopeless feelings accompany me daily,
Pain and confusion are my companions.
I know not where to turn;
Looking ahead to future time does not bring forth images of renewed hope.
I see troubled times,pain- filled days,and more tragedy.
Lend me your hope for a while,
I seem to have mislaid mine.
Hold my hand and hug me;
Listen to my ramblings;recovery seems so far distant.
The road to healing seems like a long and lonely one.
Lend me your hope for a while,
I seem to have mislaid mine.
Stand by me,offer me your presence,your heart and your love.
Acknowledge my pain, it is so real and ever present.
I am overwhelmed with sad and conflicting thoughts.
Lend me your hope for a while,
A time will come when I will heal.
And I will share my renewal,hope and love with others.
Author unknown
I seem to have mislaid mine.
Lost and hopeless feelings accompany me daily,
Pain and confusion are my companions.
I know not where to turn;
Looking ahead to future time does not bring forth images of renewed hope.
I see troubled times,pain- filled days,and more tragedy.
Lend me your hope for a while,
I seem to have mislaid mine.
Hold my hand and hug me;
Listen to my ramblings;recovery seems so far distant.
The road to healing seems like a long and lonely one.
Lend me your hope for a while,
I seem to have mislaid mine.
Stand by me,offer me your presence,your heart and your love.
Acknowledge my pain, it is so real and ever present.
I am overwhelmed with sad and conflicting thoughts.
Lend me your hope for a while,
A time will come when I will heal.
And I will share my renewal,hope and love with others.
Author unknown
Thursday, June 24, 2010
I’m So Sorry
Beloved Mother,
I’m so sorry
I left you without a good-bye
in a hurry.
Few hours later,
you had a child to bury
and made preparations
for the obituary.
I left you
with a huge burden to carry.
I had to swiftly go,
it was involuntary.
You couldn’t have stopped it,
you needn’t worry.
My day had come.
Mother, I’m so sorry.
Randah R. Hamadeh© 2009 Copyright
Summer Rays
In Loving Memory of My Daughter,
Samar Al Ansari
I’m so sorry
I left you without a good-bye
in a hurry.
Few hours later,
you had a child to bury
and made preparations
for the obituary.
I left you
with a huge burden to carry.
I had to swiftly go,
it was involuntary.
You couldn’t have stopped it,
you needn’t worry.
My day had come.
Mother, I’m so sorry.
Randah R. Hamadeh© 2009 Copyright
Summer Rays
In Loving Memory of My Daughter,
Samar Al Ansari
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Our Kitchen
Monday, June 14, 2010
عذرا أمي
عذرا أمي لأنني أبكيتك
ومن الفرح والسعادة حرمتك
وبالأسى والحزن العميق أغرقتك
ومن الهم الكثير حملتك
أمي لو كان بيدي لما أشقيتك
.بل بأكاليل الفرح توجتك
عذرا أمي إذا تكلمت وما سمعتك
وإن سألتيني سؤالا وما أجبتك
أو طلبت مشاركتي و ما شاركتك
أو قصرت بشيء وبعيدك ما هديتك
أو بكيت وبدموعي حرقتك
ومن الفرح والسعادة حرمتك
وبالأسى والحزن العميق أغرقتك
ومن الهم الكثير حملتك
أمي لو كان بيدي لما أشقيتك
.بل بأكاليل الفرح توجتك
عذرا أمي إذا تكلمت وما سمعتك
وإن سألتيني سؤالا وما أجبتك
أو طلبت مشاركتي و ما شاركتك
أو قصرت بشيء وبعيدك ما هديتك
أو بكيت وبدموعي حرقتك
عذرا يا ابنتي
رغم إنني للحياة أهلتك
لكن عن تحمل قسوتها ما حضرتك
ولفقد ابنتك ما أعددتك
لو كان بيدي لحياتي وهبتك
.ومن العذاب أنقذتك
2010©رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
رغم إنني للحياة أهلتك
لكن عن تحمل قسوتها ما حضرتك
ولفقد ابنتك ما أعددتك
لو كان بيدي لحياتي وهبتك
.ومن العذاب أنقذتك
2010©رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Comparative Commentary
Text A, an article from HIGH, Mountain Sports magazine, and the poem “Breathless” by Wilfred Noyce both deal with the same experience, mountain climbing. Their themes, general statements on human nature or experience, are similar with minor differences. Although they share a common topic and their themes have a high degree of similarity, they have many differences. Since Text A was found in a sport’s magazine, its key audience was people interested in sports, specifically those interested in extreme sports. As for “Breathless”, it has no specific audience due to the poem’s metaphorical level. Long sentences and long paragraphs with a variation of short to long sentences were used in Text A. Short sentences, often composed of two words, were used in “Breathless” due to the strength and richness of the diction. Both are written in informal register in order to personalize the article or poem to the reader. They used different literary techniques for the same purpose, conveying their theme. The distinct differences in their themes was what led to the poet and journalist to turn to different techniques. The message both of them were sending to the audience was not completely the same, and thus they had to send their messages using effective techniques. Techniques such as imagery, diction, structure, register, and the creation of atmosphere were all ways in which theme was conveyed. The tones of the two writings are very different, the author of Text A wrote with a very passionate tone, while the poet wrote with a very pessimistic tone. “Breathless” was more effective than Text A in terms of conveying theme due to the empathy it created within the reader.
Both authors address the concept of determination in their themes. Text A says that in order to experience the captivating beauty of nature you must be able to endure the hardships that come along with it; thus you must have qualities that make you enduring such as determination, “Summits such as Cook have irresistible climbing appeal but are unnerving in reality.” Text B, on the other hand, talks about the importance of self motivation and determination when aiming for something. Both themes acknowledge that the goal is only part of the experience. Although the speaker in the first text is very passionate about the beauty of nature and the experience itself, he recognizes that reaching the summit was only part of the experience, “Rather than giving satisfaction, they reinforce the sense of urgency that is essential in mountaineering. There was still much to do. Celebrations would have to wait.” Acknowledging that the goal is only part of the experience is one of the enduring qualities that a mountain climber must have, thus in relation to the theme, if you want to experience the beauty of nature you must acknowledge the fact that reaching the summit is only part of the journey. The speaker in Text B also realizes that the reaching the top is only part of the journey. He is struggling throughout his climb to the top, “One step, one heart-beat, stone no nearer, dragging feet.” His emphasis on the struggle of the climb to the top makes it exceptionally clear to the reader that the experience of mountain climbing is composed of multiple journeys. In spite the struggle of the first journey, the speaker in text b managed to go on through determination and self motivation. Self motivation is associated with the interior monologue, thus the interior monologue plays a role in conveying theme; “don’t look up.” Text A includes the beauty of nature in its theme, and not everyone is familiar with the specific beauty of nature in the article, thus the theme is not as effective as it could be. Text B on the other hand, focuses on the feelings of the speaker and thus the reader is able to understand what he is going through, and come to a better understanding of the theme. Although both themes are very similar, the theme of the poem is more easily understood due to the familiarity of the reader with the situation the speaker is in.
Quite an extensive amount of imagery is used throughout both writings. The use of imagery is used to strengthen the understanding of the theme to the readers. A significant amount of visual imagery is included in Text A. The visual imagery was created through the extensive use of adjectives of positive connotation and figurative language such as metaphors and personification. By creating beautiful images in the reader’s mind, the author strengthens his theme which talks about experiencing the beauty of nature. Text A does not have a focus on the drawbacks of mountain climbing as Text B does, thus the author has a more positive outlook on the subject itself. Words of positive connotation are used to describe the view the speaker sees and thus the reader is not discouraged from mountain climbing, and is able to identify with the theme because he/she can picture the captivating beauty of nature, “The Tasman Sea was hidden by a low blanket of white cloud”. Metaphors are also used to beautify nature and it helps the reader identify objects he is familiar with and nature, “The mountains were black silhouettes against the brightening sky”. Through personification the author makes nature seem larger than life, “Once over the summit rocks, the sun climbed higher and we daubed our faces with sunscreen”. Tactile imagery is used in Text B in order to create an emphasis on the struggle of the climb towards the top. The imagery used is so effective that the reader feels that he is going through what the climber is going through, and thus empathy is created. The repetition of the struggle to breathe makes you feel like you are also struggling to breathe, “Lungs pant, dry air, sorry scant.” The reader comes to a complete understanding of the struggle of the climb, and since words of negative connotation are used, the reader is discouraged into mountain climbing. There is also a degree of visual imagery used, in the sense that you can picture the speaker, an exhausted, lonely person who finds every step forward a struggle. The tactile imagery helps to formulate the visual image of the speaker. Through familiarizing the reader with the feelings the speaker is feeling, the reader was able to picture the speaker. The tactile imagery used in the poem is the greatest factor in the creation of empathy. Through the imagery, the reader felt what the speaker felt, and mentally put himself in the speaker’s situation. By being in the speaker’s situation you are able to understand the theme to its fullest. The imagery of Text A on the other hand, focuses on the beauty of nature and the reader can not familiarize with that as much as he can with the feelings of the speaker in “Breathless”.
The purpose of both authors was to convey the theme. Text A was found in a Mountain Sports Magazine, thus it was inferred that the author wanted to directly tell people that mountain climbing is a beautiful experience, but a hard one, and the person has to be up to it. The fact that it was in a mountain sports magazine implies that the reader takes the sport seriously, thus the author wanted to say that it is a serious task that requires determination. The author successfully achieved his purpose through imagery, diction, and the end of the article (“There was still so much to do. Celebrations would have to wait”). The diction used helped add to the calm, pleasant mood which is directly related to the theme. The theme of Text B was conveyed through the tactile imagery, diction, repetition, and diction. The repetition at the end of the poem, “heart aches, lungs pant, dry air, sorry scant” was used to emphasize the fact that when you reach the top you have to repeat the journey over again; reaching the summit is only a part of the experience. Through tactile imagery, the author was able to relate to the reader more effectively, and thus the purpose of the poet was achieved much more effectively than the article.
The atmospheres in the two texts are completely different than one another. In simple terms, Text A could be describes as light, and Text B as dark. The first text seems to have a calm, peaceful atmosphere, while the other text seems to have a unnerving, depressing, and frustrating atmosphere. The visual imagery in the first text greatly helps establish the peaceful atmosphere, “The snow beneath broke and crunched like shards of glass.” Glass breaking is usually not associated with positive atmospheres, but the comparison of the glass breaking to the snow breaking creates a beautiful mental image that calms the reader. Also, the positive diction used greatly contributes to the positive atmosphere. Finally, you do not feel that the speaker himself is nervous or tired, he seems calm and is experiencing the beauty of nature to its fullest. The tactile imagery in Text B adds to the atmosphere. By feeling what the speaker is feeling, you can have a vivid sense of what the atmosphere is like, it is depressing, unnerving, and somewhat frightening, “Grind breath, once more then on.” The reader can imagine himself in the position of the author and thus can familiarize with the atmosphere. The words of negative connotation greatly contribute to the negative atmosphere, “dry air”. The atmospheres of both texts can be linked to the themes, the author of Text A created a positive atmosphere in order to emphasize on the beauty of nature, while the author of Text B created a negative atmosphere in order to emphasize on the struggle of the climb. The atmosphere of the poem is more familiar to the reader than the paradise like atmosphere of the article. The poem’s atmosphere is more real to the reader, and that is why he can relate to it better, thus creating a better understanding of the theme.
The theme of “Breathless”, although very similar to the article was conveyed more effectively due to its empathetic appeal. It’s empathetic appeal was greatly created through the tactile imagery and the atmosphere established in the poem. The poem was more real to the reader, and thus its theme was understood better than the article. The article’s use of extensive visual imagery established an atmosphere that was not very real to the reader, and thus the reader could not identify with the main point of the theme (the summit is only part of the experience), as easily as it could with the poem. The visual imagery and words of positive connotation led to a focus on the natural aspect of the theme, and not the important message in it. The author of the article included it in the end of the article possibly for effect, but due to the visual imagery the reader was distracted from the main point. But with the poem, the reader is the speaker, and the theme is a lesson the reader can identify with.
Samar Al-Ansari
Feb. 8, ‘05
Both authors address the concept of determination in their themes. Text A says that in order to experience the captivating beauty of nature you must be able to endure the hardships that come along with it; thus you must have qualities that make you enduring such as determination, “Summits such as Cook have irresistible climbing appeal but are unnerving in reality.” Text B, on the other hand, talks about the importance of self motivation and determination when aiming for something. Both themes acknowledge that the goal is only part of the experience. Although the speaker in the first text is very passionate about the beauty of nature and the experience itself, he recognizes that reaching the summit was only part of the experience, “Rather than giving satisfaction, they reinforce the sense of urgency that is essential in mountaineering. There was still much to do. Celebrations would have to wait.” Acknowledging that the goal is only part of the experience is one of the enduring qualities that a mountain climber must have, thus in relation to the theme, if you want to experience the beauty of nature you must acknowledge the fact that reaching the summit is only part of the journey. The speaker in Text B also realizes that the reaching the top is only part of the journey. He is struggling throughout his climb to the top, “One step, one heart-beat, stone no nearer, dragging feet.” His emphasis on the struggle of the climb to the top makes it exceptionally clear to the reader that the experience of mountain climbing is composed of multiple journeys. In spite the struggle of the first journey, the speaker in text b managed to go on through determination and self motivation. Self motivation is associated with the interior monologue, thus the interior monologue plays a role in conveying theme; “don’t look up.” Text A includes the beauty of nature in its theme, and not everyone is familiar with the specific beauty of nature in the article, thus the theme is not as effective as it could be. Text B on the other hand, focuses on the feelings of the speaker and thus the reader is able to understand what he is going through, and come to a better understanding of the theme. Although both themes are very similar, the theme of the poem is more easily understood due to the familiarity of the reader with the situation the speaker is in.
Quite an extensive amount of imagery is used throughout both writings. The use of imagery is used to strengthen the understanding of the theme to the readers. A significant amount of visual imagery is included in Text A. The visual imagery was created through the extensive use of adjectives of positive connotation and figurative language such as metaphors and personification. By creating beautiful images in the reader’s mind, the author strengthens his theme which talks about experiencing the beauty of nature. Text A does not have a focus on the drawbacks of mountain climbing as Text B does, thus the author has a more positive outlook on the subject itself. Words of positive connotation are used to describe the view the speaker sees and thus the reader is not discouraged from mountain climbing, and is able to identify with the theme because he/she can picture the captivating beauty of nature, “The Tasman Sea was hidden by a low blanket of white cloud”. Metaphors are also used to beautify nature and it helps the reader identify objects he is familiar with and nature, “The mountains were black silhouettes against the brightening sky”. Through personification the author makes nature seem larger than life, “Once over the summit rocks, the sun climbed higher and we daubed our faces with sunscreen”. Tactile imagery is used in Text B in order to create an emphasis on the struggle of the climb towards the top. The imagery used is so effective that the reader feels that he is going through what the climber is going through, and thus empathy is created. The repetition of the struggle to breathe makes you feel like you are also struggling to breathe, “Lungs pant, dry air, sorry scant.” The reader comes to a complete understanding of the struggle of the climb, and since words of negative connotation are used, the reader is discouraged into mountain climbing. There is also a degree of visual imagery used, in the sense that you can picture the speaker, an exhausted, lonely person who finds every step forward a struggle. The tactile imagery helps to formulate the visual image of the speaker. Through familiarizing the reader with the feelings the speaker is feeling, the reader was able to picture the speaker. The tactile imagery used in the poem is the greatest factor in the creation of empathy. Through the imagery, the reader felt what the speaker felt, and mentally put himself in the speaker’s situation. By being in the speaker’s situation you are able to understand the theme to its fullest. The imagery of Text A on the other hand, focuses on the beauty of nature and the reader can not familiarize with that as much as he can with the feelings of the speaker in “Breathless”.
The purpose of both authors was to convey the theme. Text A was found in a Mountain Sports Magazine, thus it was inferred that the author wanted to directly tell people that mountain climbing is a beautiful experience, but a hard one, and the person has to be up to it. The fact that it was in a mountain sports magazine implies that the reader takes the sport seriously, thus the author wanted to say that it is a serious task that requires determination. The author successfully achieved his purpose through imagery, diction, and the end of the article (“There was still so much to do. Celebrations would have to wait”). The diction used helped add to the calm, pleasant mood which is directly related to the theme. The theme of Text B was conveyed through the tactile imagery, diction, repetition, and diction. The repetition at the end of the poem, “heart aches, lungs pant, dry air, sorry scant” was used to emphasize the fact that when you reach the top you have to repeat the journey over again; reaching the summit is only a part of the experience. Through tactile imagery, the author was able to relate to the reader more effectively, and thus the purpose of the poet was achieved much more effectively than the article.
The atmospheres in the two texts are completely different than one another. In simple terms, Text A could be describes as light, and Text B as dark. The first text seems to have a calm, peaceful atmosphere, while the other text seems to have a unnerving, depressing, and frustrating atmosphere. The visual imagery in the first text greatly helps establish the peaceful atmosphere, “The snow beneath broke and crunched like shards of glass.” Glass breaking is usually not associated with positive atmospheres, but the comparison of the glass breaking to the snow breaking creates a beautiful mental image that calms the reader. Also, the positive diction used greatly contributes to the positive atmosphere. Finally, you do not feel that the speaker himself is nervous or tired, he seems calm and is experiencing the beauty of nature to its fullest. The tactile imagery in Text B adds to the atmosphere. By feeling what the speaker is feeling, you can have a vivid sense of what the atmosphere is like, it is depressing, unnerving, and somewhat frightening, “Grind breath, once more then on.” The reader can imagine himself in the position of the author and thus can familiarize with the atmosphere. The words of negative connotation greatly contribute to the negative atmosphere, “dry air”. The atmospheres of both texts can be linked to the themes, the author of Text A created a positive atmosphere in order to emphasize on the beauty of nature, while the author of Text B created a negative atmosphere in order to emphasize on the struggle of the climb. The atmosphere of the poem is more familiar to the reader than the paradise like atmosphere of the article. The poem’s atmosphere is more real to the reader, and that is why he can relate to it better, thus creating a better understanding of the theme.
The theme of “Breathless”, although very similar to the article was conveyed more effectively due to its empathetic appeal. It’s empathetic appeal was greatly created through the tactile imagery and the atmosphere established in the poem. The poem was more real to the reader, and thus its theme was understood better than the article. The article’s use of extensive visual imagery established an atmosphere that was not very real to the reader, and thus the reader could not identify with the main point of the theme (the summit is only part of the experience), as easily as it could with the poem. The visual imagery and words of positive connotation led to a focus on the natural aspect of the theme, and not the important message in it. The author of the article included it in the end of the article possibly for effect, but due to the visual imagery the reader was distracted from the main point. But with the poem, the reader is the speaker, and the theme is a lesson the reader can identify with.
Samar Al-Ansari
Feb. 8, ‘05
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