Thursday, June 26, 2014

Heaviness in my heart

I woke up with such heaviness in my heart
Is this how my day will start?

I pondered why I felt this way,
And whether this feeling will stay all day.

In no time, I found the answer and knew
It is all about graduation and you.

This time of the month every year
Heaviness envelops me, daughter dear

As years go by and more students graduate,
I will always be in such emotional state.

I see you sitting in the first row
With your beautiful smile, joy and glow.

That was the happiest day of your life,
Your last joy, stabs through me like a sharp knife.

Randah R. Hamadeh, 2014, Copyright ©
Author, Summer Rays-Solace for Bereaved Parents

Saturday, June 14, 2014

أخبريهم أمي

أمي يقصون عليك غير منتبهين
وعن حالك أمي وألمك غافلين
يتوقعون لو أنك  قليلا تشاركين
بالحديث وعن ما يقولون تعلقين
.لا يعلمون أمي أنك لا تقدرين
يسردون عليك لكن لا تنصتين
عن الأزياء والحقائب متباهين
ومن كثرة انشغالهم عنك غافلين
لا يعلمون بأنك بكل لحظة تعانين
ولللأخبار التافهة لا تكترثين
اخبريهم أمي! لم تخجلين؟

رنده ربحي حماده© ٢٠١٤   

          جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Samar Al Ansari Sports Award 2013 – 2014

Today we celebrate, honor and remember a special student who always put her family, school and friends as a priority.  Samar you will always inspire us by your spirit and kind gestures.

As we pay tribute to her life, I feel Samar is smiling to see us celebrating this Athletics Awards event and reflecting on the truly important aspects of sports.  We all miss Samar and realize we have lost an excellent athlete, confidante and leader.  We should all take her example in her enthusiasm for learning and pushing herself to excel.

The Samar Al Ansari Award for 2013-2014 goes to Dana Khalil.


Mr. Zaher Abilmuna,
Athletic Director,
Ibn Khuldoon National School

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

The Dead

Why does he joke about the dead?
Should'nt he respect them instead!

He brings them up as a joke for a  laugh
In doing so, he breaks my heart in half.

What a shame to perform such an act
When rarely death is a choice but a fact,

Since no one can be saved from death
Whether in poverty or wealth.

Would he wish that when he is gone
Jokes about him are said infront of a son?

We have to be sensitive to those around
When our loved ones are underground.

Randah R. Hamadeh, Copyright © 2014

Author, Summer Rays-Solace for Bereaved Parent