Sunday, March 30, 2008


Today's famous potato was not very liked in Europe. When a Spanish explorer brought the first potato plant to Europe, many Europeans would not eat it. They thought it was poisonous. The British grew potatoes for feeding animals, while other Europeans grew them for decoration. Then it turned out to be that only the green parts were poisonous.
The European rulers realized that potatoes were a good source of food. Then they ordered people in their countries to grow them. Then the ruler of France liked potatoes so much. He put a potato flower on his clothes. Ireland then made potatoes, one of their main foods.

Samar Al Ansari
Grade 5D
May 10,1999

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Monday, March 24, 2008


!كفى أيها الناس كفى
!كفاكم نصائح والقول أن الحزن من حزني اكتفى
فقليل منكم يعرف ما معنى أن تفقد الأم الضنى
وأن ترى أمل حياتها بلحظة انطوى
فكيف لأم أن ترى ابنتها الغالية طريحة فوق الثرى؟
منظر يصعب وصفه ووصف ما جرى
صدقوني أعلم بأن الله عز وجل ابنتي اصطفى
ولكنني أم ليس لدائها دواء بعد أن فؤادها اكتوى
فكيف لأم أن لا تحزن وقد أطعمتها الحياة أمر النوى؟

رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
2008© جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Tuesday 15th of June

Tuesday 15th of June,
I'm so happy I could hawl at the moon!
Tomorrow school's out!
Tomorrow I'll be free,
From the teachers screaming at me!
No more cold food!
After tomorrow, I'll eat by the pool!
Tuesday 15th of June!
I'm so happy I could howl at the moon!

Samar Al Ansari
Grade 5D
June 15,1999

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Bessma Shammas sent

I am home in heaven, dear ones;
Oh, so happy and so bright!
There is perfect joy and beauty
In this everlasting Light.
All the pain and grief is over,
Every restless tossing passed;
I am now at peace forever,
Safely home in heaven at last.
There is work still waiting for you,
So you must not idly stand;
Do it now, while life remaineth-
You shall rest in God's own land.
When that work is all completed,
He will gently call you Home;
Oh, the rapture of that meeting'
Oh, the joy to see you come!


Sunday, March 16, 2008

المملكة المتحدة

في صغري ذهبت الى لندن، عاصمة المملكة المتحدة. وقمت بزيارة القصر المشهور بكنجهام، الذي تعيش فيه الملكة إليزابيث وعائلتها. أمام القصر العظيم وقف بضعة حراس أشكالهم غريبة كانوا يلبسون سترة حمراء وقبعة ضخمة وطويلة من الفرو الأسود، وسروال أسود، ويحملون أسلحة. كانوا يقفون من غير حراك، ووجوههم كانت غير معبرة، و لا ينطقون. كوني صغيرة، ظننت أنهم أصنام، وخفت منهم. وقد شاهدت أشخاصاً يتوجهون إليهم يحاولون التحرش بهم، ولكن دون فائدة. فظلوا على هذا الحال حتى كان موعد تغير الحرس. وقد وجدت هذا كله مثيراً حيث أن الجنود والشرطة في بلادي لا يلبسون مثل هذه الثياب الغريبة ، ويتحركون وينطقون كما يريدون
سمر الانصاري
الصف التاسع

Friday, March 14, 2008

Gulf Daily News vol xxx No 360 14 March 2008

بقلوبهن تجلسين

قالت إحداهن " كم يا خالتي سمر تشبهين
"وأشعرإني ألقاها عندما نلتقي وتسعدين
سعيدة الحظ أنا فوجهي يشبه حلوة الحلوين
هل هنالك حقا شبه أم بوجهي يا ابنتي تختبئين؟
"سمر، صديقاتك إلى كل مكان يذهبن، ستذهبين"
لا تحتاجين إلى تذكرة سفر فبقلوبهن تجلسين
فأنت معهن بروحك يا أغلى الغاليين
©رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
2008المصدر:سمر شمس لن تغيب
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Extracts from the Prophet

And you would accept the seasons of your heart,

even as you have always accepted the seasons

that pass over your fields.

And you would watch with serenity

through the winters of your grief.

Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

Monday, March 10, 2008

Yasmine Fahim Sent

Missing by Everything But The Girl

I step off the train
I'm walking down your street again and past your door
But you don't live there any more
It's years since you've been there
But now you've disappeared somewhere like outer space
You've found some better place
And I miss you - like the deserts miss the rain
And I miss you - like the deserts miss the rain
Could you be dead?
You always were two steps ahead of everyone
We'd walk behind while you would run
I look up at your house
And I can almost hear you shout down to me
Where I always used to be
And I miss you - like the deserts miss the rain
And I miss you - like the deserts miss the rain
Back on the train
I ask why did I come again?
Can I confess I've been hanging around your old address?
The years have proved to offer nothing since you moved
You're long goneBut I can't move on
And I miss you - like the deserts miss the rain
And I miss you - like the deserts miss the rain
And I miss youI step off the train
I'm walking down your street again and past your door
But you don't live there any more
It's years since you've been there
But now you've disappeared somewhere like outer space
You've found some better place
And I miss you - like the deserts miss the rain
And I miss you - like the deserts miss the rain
And I miss you
And I miss you - like the deserts miss the rain
And I miss you - like the deserts miss the rain
The deserts miss the rain - like the deserts miss the rain
The deserts miss the rainlike the deserts miss the rain

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Yasmine Fahim Sent

for us, in memory of those who have left us‏

Confidentiel by Jean Jacqhes Goldman

Je voulais simplement te dire
Que ton visage et ton sourire
Resteront près de moi sur mon chemin
Te dire que c'était pour de vrai
Tout ce qu'on s'est dit, tout ce qu'on a fait
Que c'était pas pour de faux, que c'était bien.
Faut surtout jamais regretter
Même si ça fait mal, c'est gagné
Tous ces moments, tous ces mêmes matins
Je ne vais pas te dire qu'il ne faut pas pleurer
Y a vraiment pas de quoi s'en priver
Et tout ce qu'on n'a pas loupé, le valait bien
Peut-être que l'on se retrouvera
Peut-être que peut-être pas
Mais sache qu'ici bas, je suis là
Ça restera comme une lumière
Qui me tiendra chaud dans mes hivers
Un petit feu de toi qui s'éteint pas.

I simply wished to tell you
That your face and your smile
Will always remain with me along my way
To tell you that it was for real
All that we said, all that we did,
That it was not a lie, that it was good.
There should be no regrets
Even if it hurts, it was gained
All these moments, these same mornings,
I will not say not to cry,
There's no sense in depriving oneself,
But all that we did not fail, was worth it,
We may meet again,
We may, or we may not,
But know that I am here.
It will remain like a beam
To keep me warm in my winters,
A little flame of you that will never die.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Eighteen Months

Eighteen months! How did I endure?
Through faith and love that is for sure!

“Time heals” is the worst of all lies
As every part of me for her cries

Eighteen months without seeing her face
And without a hug or a warm embrace

The longing grows day after day
And the heartache deepens along the way

Eighteen months without her beautiful smile
And without a glimpse of her profile

She is my child, the apple of my eye
And thus for her everyday I yearn and cry

Eighteen months I have been carrying this pain
Sometimes I wonder how I managed to stay sane

Although I am surrounded with lots of love
The fact remains that I wish her back from above

Eighteen months living with the empty space
A vacuum that no one can fill or replace

So help me Lord to keep going along
It is only YOU who can make me strong!

Randah R. Hamadeh, 2008, Copyright©
Written in loving memory of my daughter
Samar Ahmed Al Ansari (4/4/1988-4/9/2006)

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

رقم أربعة

أتيت يا ابنتي الحبيبة إلى الحياة بشهر أربعة
وصادف قدومك أيضا من الأيام يوم أربعة
وكان رقمك المفضل يا حبيبتي هو أربعة
فأصبح هذا الرقم يلازمك ورمز إليك بأربعة
وكان رقمك بفريق المدرسة الرياضي أربعة
وتاريخ تخرجك من المدرسة تضمن أربعة
وذهبت من هذه الحياة الفانية بتاريخ أربعة
وقبرك يا حبيبة قلبي، رقمه أيضا أربعة
وبقينا أنا وأبوك وإخوتك بهذه الدنيا، أربعة
ترى يا حبيبتي سمر، ما هو سر رقم أربعة؟

رنده ربحي حماده
م سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة© 2008