Saturday, December 31, 2016
Friday, December 09, 2016
Thursday, December 01, 2016
Friday, November 18, 2016
Friday, November 04, 2016
My Speech "Grief Unveils Creativity: An Experience of A Bereaved Mother." Healthy Ageing and Women. Bapco, Wellbeing Project 2020. 3 Nov 2016
I would like to express my thanks and
appreciation to Bapco for inviting me as a speaker tonight. Those in the
Wellbeing project and in the Safety Division at Bapco know me at the professional
level since we collaborate in several areas. Today is special for me since I am
not here as professor Hamadeh but as Randah, the individual, mother and author.
Bapco has taken the lead in several initiatives since its inception and today it
takes another by having me here to speak about how I became a writer after the
loss of my daughter. I am very much touched by your gesture and I am honored to
be here to share my experience
with Bapco family.
Since my school days I have always
enjoyed Arabic and English literature. My high school had a system of providing
its students with a list of books in both Arabic and English to read over the
summer vacation, which I looked forward to. Reading in both languages became a
habit since then. Whenever I completed reading an Arabic book, I had to read an
English one after it. I loved to read poetry as well and found that reading
poetry exposes the reader to emotional experiences that even the best of novels
cannot describe.
In my final years at high school, I was
not sure about what to study at university, especially as my love of literature
made me think that I should be a journalist. However, in my junior year, I chose
the scientific Baccalaureate track. At that time, there was a myth that students
with good grades should never follow a literary track but the scientific one instead. Subsequently, I sat for my second baccalaureate
in sciences and continued my undergraduate and graduate education in health
sciences, specifically in public health and community medicine. I did not take
any courses in Arabic or English language after entering university but I
maintained reading Arabic and English literature whenever I had the chance and time.
As years went by, I was blessed by
having a lovely family, my husband and my three children. I never thought that
the unthinkable would happen to my family. It is because human nature always
makes us think that what happens to others will not happen to us. But it did!!!!.
A hand wave accompanied with “see you
later, Mama” was the last words I heard from my youngest child, Samar. That
evening, she had gone to comfort a friend who had lost her passport, needed for
her travel to college abroad. My 18-year-old daughter left, but never came
back…. It was on 4 September 2006, two weeks before her departure to the University
of York, United Kingdom where she was to join my older daughter.
Samar’s death was the biggest blow I
had in my entire life. The pain of losing her is indescribable. As a mother,
even in the saddest moments, I continued to love and protect my children and had
to be strong. It was not easy….
In addition to worrying about my
children both of whom were still at university, I had another concern - keeping
Samar’s memory alive and to ensure that she is not forgotten. Feeling my
concern, my son created a blog for me few days after Samar passed away. Having
a blog carrying Samar’s name was extremely helpful to me as it continues to serve
as a platform where family, friends, Samar’s friends and peers, her teachers,
and others would share their feelings and memories.
I had never written poetry before my
precious Samar passed away, except for the short poems I had written when I was
seventeen and two more, to my surprise, on my son’s and my older daughter’s
graduation from high school. My children’s graduation was an extremely
emotional experience. They were ready to go abroad and start a new chapter of
their lives. However, unlike her siblings, I was unable to write a poem
dedicated to Samar on her high school graduation. I remember apologizing to her
for not writing and explaining that I had no control over the whole thing. She
was most understanding and told me that I need not worry. This saddened me,
since as a mother; I always wanted to treat my children equally. Who would have
guessed then that I would be writing not only one or two poems for her, but
several, and in two languages? Little did I know then that Samar will be my
muse and I will publish poetry books in her name.
Exactly a month after the accident, I
woke up in the middle of the night with stanzas of a poem flowing through my
head. I was staying at the time with my son in Guilford, United Kingdom. I ran
out of bed, grabbed a pen and started writing immediately. It was my first poem
تعرفون ابنتي سمر؟"(Do You Know My
Daughter Samar?)
The poem was in Arabic. It came spontaneously
with its title and stanzas wanting me to reveal who is my lovely Samar. I wrote
with tears flowing on my cheeks in shock with what has happened. I remember
that when my son woke up I told him, ” You wouldn’t believe what happened to
I was so astounded by the fact that I
wrote a poem that I started reading it to him without thinking that I might be
causing him pain? At that time, I thought that it was a one-time miracle that
happened to me. I then realized, after continuing to write, that it was a
blessing from God to help me cope with my loss.
In less than a week, I wrote my second poem,
"هذه هي ابنتي سمر"(This is my daughter, Samar) trying to continue to portray her. My
first three poems were written in Guilford and on my return to Bahrain, the
poems continued to come, one after the other, regardless of time and place.
Few days before Samar’s first death anniversary, I
was at the airport waiting for my son and daughter to arrive when I wrote my
first poem in English “A Year Has Passed”. I
remember that I looked for a paper but did not find except the supermarket
receipt. I had to write in a small font as the words kept on coming. I am
thankful to have been able to write in English, since it has allowed me to
share my feelings with others around the globe.
Most of my poems were written after words woke me
up from my sleep. Some were developed while I was driving, and I would repeat
the words in my head until I could write them down. Others were written on
airplanes, trains, at the university, supermarkets, malls and elsewhere. I keep
a note pad and a pen next to my bed, in my car and my handbag, as I can never
predict when a new poem would flow. Comments, remarks, special events,
occasions, family gatherings and songs usually trigger me to write. I do not plan when to write a poem, nor its theme nor its
language. It just comes with its title to me.
Samar’s website
became a platform for posting my poems to express my longing and love for my
daughter. To maintain my daughter’s memory alive, I decided to publish my
poetry. My first poetry book " سمر غروب وشروق" (Samar:
Sunset and Sunrise) was published in 2007. A year later my second book,"سمر شمس لن تغيب" (Samar: The Sun That Does Not Set) was published. In
2009, my first book of poetry in English” Summer Rays: Solace for Bereaved Parents” was published in the United States. Having
it available through the publisher iUniverse, as well as Amazon and Barnes and
Noble, enabled me to have my poems within reach of anyone who experienced such a loss to find solace
in knowing that she/he is not alone in this journey. Bereaved parents can
relate to my words and feelings, as I would be mirroring their own.
In 2011, my fourth book "سمرمعنا
"(Samar Is
with Us) was published and last August, my second English collection of poems,
“Longing for Summer: A Season of Grief” was published. I planned to publish
this book to honor my beloved Samar memory and commemorate the 10th anniversary
of her passing.
All the five book titles, include
Samar’s name. My poems show my raw
feelings as a mother who expresses her longing and love to her daughter. Death
cannot alter these feelings and there is no closure to a mother’s love for her
In addition to poetry, I started
to write prose to the Open to Hope Community Website whose audience are bereaved
parents. Interacting with parents who experienced loss of a child and sharing
my feelings with them was comforting. To further console other bereaved parents,
I created a Facebook page, “Bereaved Arab Families and Friends”, in memory of
Samar, to serve as a venue for bereaved Arab families and friends to get
support and solace.
People grieve differently and we
need to respect that there is no right or wrong way. For me, it was important
to have time spent doing something dedicated to my daughter. I found writing
essential in my survival. It helps me endure the loss of my daughter in my
grief journey. My poems are means of being in touch with Samar, communicate
with her, express my love, let her feel my kisses in every word and know that
she is with me in every breath I take. Several of the poems are in a dialogue form
between Samar and I, where in some she affirms that she is with me and comforts
my aching heart. Expressive writing also helped me to share my loss and my
experience to others who chose to read my poetry.
I hope that
bereaved parents find what I write helpful in their grief journey. This
journey is for life; it is personal and I am sure that each bereaved parent
would find her/his own way to survive and find means of comfort to soothe the
longing and the pain of the most dreadful loss. Those
who are still in the beginning of the grief journey will also know that they
can survive, as others did, through their love to their children and the
beautiful memories they shared together. I also believe that parents who did
not experience such a loss would appreciate the mother-child relationship and
the bonding that is portrayed in my poetry. They would also learn not to take
their children for granted and appreciate the gift of each day they live with
their children. In addition, people who have relatives or friends who
experienced loss of a child would benefit in knowing how the bereaved feel and
how to provide support to them.
I am blessed to
have my two other children; Omar and Qadar who helped me go through this
journey. I am particularly thankful to having them especially when I think of
other mothers who experienced loss of an only child or two or more children.
For me, Samar is
not a memory. She is my third child, alive in my heart, thoughts and my poetry.
Thank you for participating in keeping Samar alive tonight. May God bless you,
your children and families.
Tuesday, November 01, 2016
Sunday, October 02, 2016
Saturday, October 01, 2016
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Monday, September 12, 2016
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Friday, September 09, 2016
Wednesday, September 07, 2016
Sunday, September 04, 2016
Thursday, September 01, 2016
Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Sunday, August 21, 2016
Saturday, August 20, 2016
Friday, August 19, 2016
Thursday, August 18, 2016
Monday, August 15, 2016
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Longing for Summer: A Season of Grief
My book “Longing for Summer: A Season of Grief” just got published by iUniverse. It is my fifth poetry book in total and my second in English published on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the passing of my daughter, Samar on 4 September.
I am honored that the foreword of this book is written by Mary Jane Hurley Brant.
I am honored that the foreword of this book is written by Mary Jane Hurley Brant.
The book is available at IUniverse, Amazon and Barnes & and Noble.
Randah R. Hamadeh
Longing for Summer: A Season of Grief
Summer Rays: Solace for Bereaved Parents
Samar Is With Us (Arabic)
Samar: Sunset and Sunrise (Arabic)
Samar: The Sun that Does Not Set (Arabic)
Longing for Summer: A Season of Grief
Summer Rays: Solace for Bereaved Parents
Samar Is With Us (Arabic)
Samar: Sunset and Sunrise (Arabic)
Samar: The Sun that Does Not Set (Arabic)
Monday, August 08, 2016
Tuesday, August 02, 2016
Monday, August 01, 2016
Sunday, July 17, 2016
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Thursday, July 07, 2016
شوارع الرياض (اعادة نشر)
شوارع الرياض تعاتبني
أين سمر؟ تسألني
لتطل علي فتجملني
وبنظراتها الحلوة تزينني
اشتقت إلى خطواتها لتعانقني
شوارع الرياض تعاتبني
آه لو تعرف ما جرى، لتشاركني
تشاركني حزني على التي لم تعد اليها ترافقني
وتدرك بأن رؤيتها دون سمر تعذبني
ستدعو لها بالرحمة ولي أن الله يصبرني
رنده ربحي حماده
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة© ٢٠١٣
سمر غروب و شروق ٢٠٠٧
سمر شمس لن تغيب ٢٠٠٨
سمر معنا ٢٠١١
Wednesday, July 06, 2016
كل عام وانت بخير حبيبتي- اعادة نشر
كل عام وأنت بخير حبيبتي
العيد أتى..... أينك لتطلي
بملابسك الجديدة المعطرة بالفل؟
كم للقاء الأقارب بالعيد تشوقت
وكم من مرة للسوق ذهبت
وأزهى الملابس للعيد اخترت
.وأجمل تحية للأهل أهديت
أمي، لا أظن أنك شيئا نسيت"
اعرف انك تتألمين كلما تذكرت
أشعر بما تخفين وبما أظهرت
وأعلم أنك لقدوم العيد حزنت
وان الجميع سعداء بالعيد إلا أنت
"أسمعك تعاتبيني قائلة "لماذا رحلت؟
أما بحالك وحالي أمي رأفت؟
فأنا لن أعود أمي مهما تكدرت
لكني معك بروحي أينما التفت
أحوم حولك، أما بي شعرت؟
قبلتك على خدك ومن النوم أفقت
وكنت أول من يهنئك بالعيد فبكيت
امسحي دموعك رفقا بقلبي الذي أحزنت
ورفقا بإخوتي اللذين سيتألمان إن تألمت
أعلم أنك لن تفرحي بالعيد حتى لو حاولت
أمي، أناديك بصمت فهل كلماتي سمعت؟
".اشتقت إليك أكثر مما اشتقت
رنده ربحي حماده
سمر معنا" ٢٠١١ "
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
Friday, July 01, 2016
Tuesday, June 07, 2016
Samar Al Ansari Award for Girls Soccer
Athletic Awards
Samar Al Ansari Award for Girls Soccer
School year 2015/2016
In the Athletics Awards Night every year, IKNS celebrates an outstanding female Athlete by awarding her the ‘Samar Al Ansari Award for Girls Soccer’.
The eligible student for this award exhibits excellent sportsmanship combined with a commitment to IKNS sports and a high standard of skill in soccer.
Samar Al Ansari was an IKNS student who exhibited these traits. She enjoyed many sports, yet she excelled in soccer. She enjoyed a high sense of fairness, self-control and respect for her team, coaches and opponents.
Today, we celebrate these fine traits of sportsmanship, and encourage young IKNS athletes to endorse them as well. Playing a sport is not only about winning and losing. It is also about discipline, perseverance and courage. This is what the Samar Al Ansari Award symbolizes, and this is what IKNS Athletes aspire to.
This is the tenth Samar Al Ansari Award that Samar’s family dedicate in good memory of their daughter to the female student who best demonstrates the above traits.
The tenth Samar Al Ansari Award for Girls Soccer goes to ….
Ms. Liana Al Natour, Grade 12
Zaher Abilmuna,
Athletic Director
Sunday June 5, 2016
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