Dearest Randah,
It is hard to express ones feelings when one hears about the loss of a very young, very loving and talented person. To hear and read all about her sends chills down by back and I am amazed and touched at the sense of loss of such a talent.
Although I am not a Sufi, Rumi expresses that the moment of loss is the moment that refines our love.The moment of seperation and pain is what creates something beautiful.
And yet these are not consolations, for the pain and the loss will always be there, but the contribution to have touched so many people is a tribute that reveals the continuation of a loved one through the minds and heart of all who knew, and in my case, did not know her as well. So we are all the fabric of Samars life that continue in the present and into the future.
We are all touched by the life she led when you share those precious memories of her, of her humor, warmth and her incredible humanity.
We are also touched by a mother who touches every mothers' soul shaking us into an awareness that life can never be taken for granted, not even the lives of our youngest children . They may be here for a brief moment, to bring love into our lives and then disappear back into the radiance they came from. They are all gifts to be cherished and held gently and like birds allowed to go free.
I am deeply touched by your pain and the courage you bring by exploring your grief ,feeling it intensely and deeply, most acutely recalling every detail,expressing it, and going even further in creatively developing it.
I am most certain that the grief you feel, will evolve into a living and breathing thing, a project, a way of life an attitiude that will mean Samar, and those who partake of it will radiate love for each other and will know joy in rediscovering her into the future.
With love,
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Monday, January 29, 2007
Amal Aseeri Wrote...
I knew Samar since she was a litttlest kid in elementary school … she played outdoors on her bike on afternoons. She setup up a "baradah'' business with my little brother and tried to sell her old comics. My most vivid memory of her goes back to when she was about 12 running down the street in drenched jeans carrying my dog and bursting laughing because my dog had decided to jump and cool in her pool while they were playing one summer! … I didn’t know you very well as we grew up because you’re much younger and I thought I had all the time… as I go through this blog I know you better and I know I missed out… I can’t believe your gone, the neighborhood’s sunshine!
We will always think of the strength auntie Randa, uncle Ahmed, Omar, and Qadar have shown and given and we will all remember Samar every day…month… year.
We will always think of the strength auntie Randa, uncle Ahmed, Omar, and Qadar have shown and given and we will all remember Samar every day…month… year.
A Short Story by SAMAR
Assignment: Write a short story using the words "Cat" and "Mountain"
Short Story
No one believed that an old blind man like me could ever climb a mountain, but I did. I believed I could climb the highest mountain. Many said to me;" it's dangerous", but I never thought of it as dangerous, I thought of it as excitement. I set up to walk up a mountain in a spiral way of course. I had nothing with me but my cane and the more I went up, the more excited I got. Of course as a blind man, I mostly rely on my hearing, but the more I went up, the more my ears became plugged. Therefore, I started walking and walking not knowing where I was going. I was going to fall off the edge, but a large cat pulled me with his teeth in the right direction. It walked in front of me, and wagged its tail, which hit my shoe every time it wagged. These wags led me down the mountain to civilization. This cat saved my life! I was just about to pick it up, but it disappeared. My hearing is very good, and I did not hear it go away. I will always be indebted to that cat. Sometimes I wonder whether it really was a cat, or an angel sent to me by GOD to save me from death.
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 9.2
Short Story
No one believed that an old blind man like me could ever climb a mountain, but I did. I believed I could climb the highest mountain. Many said to me;" it's dangerous", but I never thought of it as dangerous, I thought of it as excitement. I set up to walk up a mountain in a spiral way of course. I had nothing with me but my cane and the more I went up, the more excited I got. Of course as a blind man, I mostly rely on my hearing, but the more I went up, the more my ears became plugged. Therefore, I started walking and walking not knowing where I was going. I was going to fall off the edge, but a large cat pulled me with his teeth in the right direction. It walked in front of me, and wagged its tail, which hit my shoe every time it wagged. These wags led me down the mountain to civilization. This cat saved my life! I was just about to pick it up, but it disappeared. My hearing is very good, and I did not hear it go away. I will always be indebted to that cat. Sometimes I wonder whether it really was a cat, or an angel sent to me by GOD to save me from death.
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 9.2
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
سمر الأنصاري كتبت" أمنيتي" في الصف السابع
الموضوع: ما هي أمنيتك؟و ما الوسائل التي ستساعدك على تحقيقها ذاكرا مشاعرك؟
الأمنية كلمة جميلة معناها الرغبة .أمنيتي منذ صغري أن أحرر فلسطين المسكينة،سأحاول و أحاول لتحريرها مرة بعد مرة حتى أحقق أمنيتي
الأمنية كلمة جميلة معناها الرغبة .أمنيتي منذ صغري أن أحرر فلسطين المسكينة،سأحاول و أحاول لتحريرها مرة بعد مرة حتى أحقق أمنيتي
الوسائل التي ستساعدني في تحقيق أمنيتي هي:أن تتحد كل الدول العربية كدولة قوية واحدة تستطيع أن تقف في وجه اسرائيل. وأتمنى أن تكون الأمم المتحدة و الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية عادلة و تعطي العرب حقهم بإرجاع فلسطين كدولة. وأود أن أستعين بطائرات لنقل اللاجئين الفلسطينيين من جميع أنحاء العالم و أعيدهم إلى أرضهم و بلادهم. كما أود أن أسافر من قطر إلى أخر لأطلع سائرا لدول عن تاريخ فلسطين، وأعرض لهم المنتجات الفلسطينية و أجعلهم يقفون معي و مع العرب، وأن يحتذي الأطفال الصغار بي. أمنيتي خيالية لأنني لا أستطيع أن أكون أقوى من الأمم المتحدة ولا أستطيع أن أضمن أن الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية ستتعاطف مع العرب ضد إسرائيل. بعد أن احقق أمنيتي سأذهب لفلسطين للعيش هناك، وسأجعل واحدا أو واحدة من عائلة أمي رئيسا أو رئيسة لفلسطين و سأكتب كتابا عن تجربتي وأسميه "عرس فلسطين".سأكون أسعد إنسانه في الكون لأنني أسعدت كل العرب خاصة الفلسطينيين الذين حرموا من رؤية بلادهم لمدة اثني و خمسين عاما
فائدة أمنيتي أن أعيد فلسطين لأهلها العرب، و أعيد اللاجئين إلى بلادهم وأظن أن العرب سيعتبرونني بطلة، و يكتب المؤرخون عني في كتاب التاريخ. ترى هل ستتحقق أمنيتي؟
سمر الأنصاري، الصف: السابع ج
سمر الأنصاري، الصف: السابع ج
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
قسوت علي
قسوت علي
أيها الدهر فسلبت صغيرتي التي أحبها بتفاني
قسوت علي
عندما أخذت حبيبتي سمــر مني للعالم الثاني
قسوت علي
عندما خطفتها دون أن تودعني بثواني
قسوت علي
عندما استأصلت عضوا مني فشوهت كياني
قسوت علي
فأطفأت ضياء عيني واقتلعت وردة من بستاني
قسوت علي
عندما تلقيت التعازي بها شهرين بعد التهاني
قسوت علي
عندما خطفت البسمة مني وأبدلتها بأحزاني
قسوت علي
لأنك لم تمهلها وقتاً لتحقيق الأماني
قسوت علي
فأحبطت الخطط التي رسمناها يا زماني
قسوت علي
فكابوس كل أم كان لي واقع كواني
قسوت علي
رغم ما تحليت به من صبر ورغم إيماني
قسوت علي
رغم علمي بأن كل شيء على الأرض فاني
قسوت علي
أيها الدهر فرحلت وأنا عاجزة أقف مكاني
قسوت علي
أيها الدهر فليت الموت لم يدعُها بل دعاني
ستبقين سمــر دوماً أجمل اسم يردده لســاني
أم سمر
©جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
Friday, January 19, 2007
In a Blizzard by SAMAR
I was sitting on my lawn thinking; "God, Bahrain is so hot, I wish I could go somewhere cold!" I went to bed that night and when I woke up I was in the midst of a blizzard in Alaska wearing only my pajamas. I walked on the snow in my bare feet, and I saw them turn blue. I was very confused at first and all I could think about was the cold blizzard! My hair was covered with snow and I heard a noise from behind me, and I looked back and saw an avalanche! Then I screamed, "I wish I was back in Bahrain." I woke up and realized it was all a dream! Then Nouf came in my room and said, "Let's go to the mall", then I said" Let me put my shoes and socks on first". As I was going to put my socks on, I saw that my feet were blue. Maybe it was not a dream after all !!!
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 9.2
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 9.2
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Feelings about Essay by SAMAR
Writing this essay made me find out things about myself that I didn't know before. For instance, I didn't realize how important my friends are to me, until I wrote this essay.I realized that I couldn't live without them. There were some parts of writing the essay I didn't like. I didn't like counting the and's , I's, me's, etc. Also I didn't like the fact that we didn't do peer editing. I wish we did so we could have a second opinion on our essays. We did too many drafts on this essay. I'm the type of person who only likes to write a few drafts and then hand it in. Writing this essay was interesting because I realized that this wasn't about mere objects. It was about the memories that each object represents. I would enjoy to do more of these type of essays in the future; essays that really make me reflect on my life.
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 9.2
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 9.2
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
اسأل عنك
تمر الأيام يا سمر واحدة تلو الأخرى
وأتمنى بكل صباح أن تأتي ومعها لي بشرى
بأن موعد رجوعك من السفر قد تحدد وقريبا ً ستعودين
وأخيرا ً انتهت الرحلة وإلى بيتك سترجعين
كلها لحظات وأدرك بأنك رحلت ِ و ما هذا إلا حلما عقيم
وأذهب إلى غرفتك لأسترجع بعضا ً من الذكريات
فهنا كنت تجلسين وهنا كنت تنامين و هنا كنت أيقظك بالقبلات
وأذهب إلى غرفة نومي حيث جلست بالأمس معي تتحدثين
وأنظر إلى سريري الذي ضممتك به صغيرة عندما كنت تخافين
وأذهب إلى الغرفة التي كنت ِ بها أصدقاءكِ تستقبلين
وتمضينِ معظم الأوقات الأفلام والمسلسلات بها تشاهدين
وأذهب إلى غرفة الطعام حيث كرسيك أصبح الآن خاليا
لأسأله عن صاحبته التي كانت تجالسني فأراه حزينا باكيا
وأذهب إلى غرفة الجلوس التي شهدت على آخر لقاء
ونقشت على جدرانها الكلمات والضحكات و حتى البكاء
وأسرع إلى النافذة كل يوم لعلني أراك عند الشروق
وأحدق بالسماء محاولة أن أطفئ بعض نار قلبي المحروق
وألجأ إلى النافذة مرة أخرى عند الغروب
وأدعو إلى الكريم القادر الذي وحده يفرج المصائب و الكروب
أم سمر
©جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
Sunday, January 14, 2007
A Song for Mama
SAMAR liked the lyrics of this song (Um SAMAR).
A Song For Mama Lyrics
Boyz II Men
You taught me everything
And everything you've given me
I'll always keep it inside
You're the driving force in my life, yeah
There isn't anything
Or anyone that I can be
And it just wouldn't feel right
If I didn't have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down
You were always there
To comfort me
And no one else can be
What you have been to me
You'll always be
You will always be the girl
In my life for all times
Mama you know I love you
(Oh you know I love you)
Mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
I just want you to know
Lovin' you is like food to my soul
(yes it is, yes it is,ohhhhh,yes it is,yes it is,yes it is... oohhhh)
You're always there for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
(Yes you did)
And you took up for me
When everyone was downin' me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me
And say to me
I can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You'll always be
You will always be
The girl in my life
(oooo, oohh)
Never gonna go a day without you
Fills me up just thinking about you
I'll never go a day
Without my mama
Click to Link for Song:
A Song For Mama Lyrics
Boyz II Men
You taught me everything
And everything you've given me
I'll always keep it inside
You're the driving force in my life, yeah
There isn't anything
Or anyone that I can be
And it just wouldn't feel right
If I didn't have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down
You were always there
To comfort me
And no one else can be
What you have been to me
You'll always be
You will always be the girl
In my life for all times
Mama you know I love you
(Oh you know I love you)
Mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
I just want you to know
Lovin' you is like food to my soul
(yes it is, yes it is,ohhhhh,yes it is,yes it is,yes it is... oohhhh)
You're always there for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
(Yes you did)
And you took up for me
When everyone was downin' me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me
And say to me
I can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You'll always be
You will always be
The girl in my life
(oooo, oohh)
Never gonna go a day without you
Fills me up just thinking about you
I'll never go a day
Without my mama
Click to Link for Song:
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Maria Khoury wrote
Um Samar:
A day does not go by without me thinking of you! Thinking of your agony, your pain, your passionate pain-if pain is allowed to be passionate- and of your soul that has engulfed itself with the very intimate tragedy of your family.
I think if you may allow me to express of a very distinct impression that I had the first day I met you in 1982. I said to my self, this woman has pain. Was it possible that you held the pain of Samar within you before she became yours? Reading your poetry on site, I humbly think yes.
Thinking of you, praying for your peace and of Ahmed's, Omar and Qadar became even more pressing after Bassma showed me your poetry.
I go back and think of moments and hours that you used to spend at Khala Alice house in Isa Town, that deadly day of 17 September 1982 of Sabra and Shatila when we sat in our house in Ghufool with Bassma and we discussed the Palestinian conflict. I do not know if you remember, but I do. I remember a very powerful force of pain in you. I remember us loving Um Khulthoom songs while Bassam did not.
Then, on Bassma's wedding day, again I saw pain because of a personal family issue. Then, I remember you having us over to dinner at your apartment to meet Ahmed…. Then your wedding day in Hidd. So I said to myself on that day when we were among the very few that were privileged to share your happy day…. I hope her pain goes away.
I saw you – in and out since then, but I had you in my mind. I saw the happiness in your eyes the day I saw you with Omar in Seef mall. I said she raised a fine man. I have not had the honor to know Samar personally, but reading your poetry about her that is from the crux of your soul I feel I know her...
I know that I am far but I am fond of you and of the fine family, you have raised.
May you always live to pursue the powerful memory of Samar and you grow old to see Omar and Qadar support you and love and make you proud.
A day does not go by without me thinking of you! Thinking of your agony, your pain, your passionate pain-if pain is allowed to be passionate- and of your soul that has engulfed itself with the very intimate tragedy of your family.
I think if you may allow me to express of a very distinct impression that I had the first day I met you in 1982. I said to my self, this woman has pain. Was it possible that you held the pain of Samar within you before she became yours? Reading your poetry on site, I humbly think yes.
Thinking of you, praying for your peace and of Ahmed's, Omar and Qadar became even more pressing after Bassma showed me your poetry.
I go back and think of moments and hours that you used to spend at Khala Alice house in Isa Town, that deadly day of 17 September 1982 of Sabra and Shatila when we sat in our house in Ghufool with Bassma and we discussed the Palestinian conflict. I do not know if you remember, but I do. I remember a very powerful force of pain in you. I remember us loving Um Khulthoom songs while Bassam did not.
Then, on Bassma's wedding day, again I saw pain because of a personal family issue. Then, I remember you having us over to dinner at your apartment to meet Ahmed…. Then your wedding day in Hidd. So I said to myself on that day when we were among the very few that were privileged to share your happy day…. I hope her pain goes away.
I saw you – in and out since then, but I had you in my mind. I saw the happiness in your eyes the day I saw you with Omar in Seef mall. I said she raised a fine man. I have not had the honor to know Samar personally, but reading your poetry about her that is from the crux of your soul I feel I know her...
I know that I am far but I am fond of you and of the fine family, you have raised.
May you always live to pursue the powerful memory of Samar and you grow old to see Omar and Qadar support you and love and make you proud.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Nada Al Sadiq wrote


Samar was one of my best classmates. We've been together since KG I until we graduated .Samar and I shared a lot of memories together. I really appreciated the nice Bahraini-Palestinian blend that Samar had. I will never forget the way that Samar always insisted on reminding people around her of the Palestinian cause.I will never forget the "Ta3beer" in Arabic class, I've always been the formal translator for Samar. I always admired her clear way in thinking, knowing her goals and how she tried to achieve them. Samar was a hard worker, and that is the most thing I liked in her. I won't forget the last two years we've spent together in IKNS, especially the IB History class.
I was going through old pictures and I found these pictures for Samar that I would like to share. These are pictures I've taken for Samar. The first picture was in "Jabal al-Dukhan". It was in a fieldtrip in third grade. The second picture was in "Dominos Pizza" in Isa Town. A fieldtrip we've went to in fourth grade. Allah yir7amik ya Samar. We all love you and you'll always remain in our hearts.
Nada Al-Sadiq
Monday, January 08, 2007
عبد العزيز توفيقي كتب واصفا سمر في الصف الثاني عشر
اليوم أنت يا سمر أجمل من كل
النساء، فأطوقك بالياسمين
كلامك لا يخرج نثــرا
بل لحن أوروبي الرنين
وعلى نغمة كلامك أنت طرب
لجميع، فبدأت ترقصين
ويلتم من حولك الحشود من
الأصدقاء والأحباب والمعجبين
ولكنك على الرغم من ذلك
لست كالبقية تتغربين
فكلامك وشعرك وانغامك
كلها مغزوة بالحنين
فما يميزك عن الجميع
انك تقولين ولاتترددين
فتقفين عالية معلية
بعقل ذاهن وانت تدركين
انك ستصمدين فى الرياح
مؤمنة منتظرة فارسك الأمين
ويلتم من حولك الحشود من
الأصدقاء والأحباب والمعجبين
ولكنك على الرغم من ذلك
لست كالبقية تتغربين
فكلامك وشعرك وانغامك
كلها مغزوة بالحنين
فما يميزك عن الجميع
انك تقولين ولاتترددين
فتقفين عالية معلية
بعقل ذاهن وانت تدركين
انك ستصمدين فى الرياح
مؤمنة منتظرة فارسك الأمين
Sunday, January 07, 2007
العام الجديد

جئت حاملا للملأ الأمل لتحقيق الأحلام بقدوم هذا الوليد
والجميع احتفلوا بقدومك و استقبلوك و كل منهم سعيد
إلا نحن فسمر رحلت و الحزن عليها أبعد الفرحة بعيد بعيد
و أتى مكانها غصة و حزن على فراقها شديد شديد
و قلوبنا باتت تنزف كل يوم كما يجري الدم بالوريد
كيف نفرح بانتهاء عام تمتعنا بسمر و لها معنا من الذكريات العديد
قمة السعادة و البهجة قضيناها يوم تخرجها حيث كان يوم فريد
كانت كالعروس تختال فغار منها القمر و قال من حسنك أريد
ثمانية عشر عاما تنعمنا بسمر و لكن القدر قال كفى لا مزيد
بالأمس كانت تنتظر رأس السنة وتطلب الأمنيات التي تريد
كيف لنا أن نحتفل بك يا زمن و لم تعطي سمر العمر المديد
اعذرنا أيها الزمن فلن نفرح بك بل بلقاء سمر وقت الوعيد
أرجوك ربي أن تدخل سمر جنات الخلد و تمتعها بخيراتها يا مجيد
و ربي احفظ لي أحمد و عمر و قدر و اربط على قلوبهم يا حميد
أم سمر
©جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
Thursday, January 04, 2007
هل هي مسرحية وأنت ِ بطلتها المختارة؟
قمتِ بأداء دورك كعادتك بإتقان وجداره
وستعودين الى البيت بعد ان تسدل الستارة
أم هو فيلم درامي أبكاني لنهايته المحزنه؟
وأتوقع له الفوز بالجوائز العالمية المعلنه
للبطلة التي قامت بدورها بجدارة متمكنه
أم هي رواية أبكتني وأنا أقرأ بين صفحاتها؟
لصدق المشاعر والأحاسيس التي بطياتها
فحزنت على الشابة التى رحلت تاركة أمنياتها
أم هي أغنية تبدأ بكلمات تصف شابة جميلة؟
ذات الابتسامة التي أسرت قلوب غير قليلة
وتفارق الحياة بغتة من غير ان تكون عليلة
أم هو أسوأ حلم حلمت به وأزعجني؟
كابوس من بشاعة المشاهد أتعبني و ألمني
و من السبات هزني وأفزعني وأيقظني
أم رحيلك الحقيقة المُرةً التي أواجهها كل يوم؟
فأستسلم، وأطلب الصبر لفاجعتي من رب القوم
وأدعو لك ِ بالشروق والغروب وعند النوم
أم سمر
©جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Yasmine Fahim sent Um SAMAR
Celine Dion
Goodbye's (The Saddest Word)
You gave life to me
Turned a baby into a lady
And Mamma
All you had to offer
Was the promise of a lifetime of love
Now I know
There is no other
Love like a mother's love for her child
And I know
A love so complete
Someday must leave
Must say goodbye
Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
You gave love to me
Turned a young one into a woman
And Mamma
All I ever needed
Was a guarantee of you loving me
'Cause I know
There is no other
Love like a mother's love for her child
And it hurts so
That something so strong
Someday 'll be gone, must say goodbye
Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
But the love you give will always live
You'll always be there every time I fall
You are to me the greatest love of all
You take my weakness and you make me strong
And I will always love you 'till forever comes
And when you need meI'll be there for you all the way
I'll be there your whole life through
I'll be there this I promise you,Mamma
I'll be your beacon through the darkest nights
I'll be the wings that guide your broken flight
I'll be your shelter through the raging storm
And I will love you 'till forever comes
Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
'Till we meet again...
Until then...
Goodbye's (The Saddest Word)
You gave life to me
Turned a baby into a lady
And Mamma
All you had to offer
Was the promise of a lifetime of love
Now I know
There is no other
Love like a mother's love for her child
And I know
A love so complete
Someday must leave
Must say goodbye
Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
You gave love to me
Turned a young one into a woman
And Mamma
All I ever needed
Was a guarantee of you loving me
'Cause I know
There is no other
Love like a mother's love for her child
And it hurts so
That something so strong
Someday 'll be gone, must say goodbye
Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
But the love you give will always live
You'll always be there every time I fall
You are to me the greatest love of all
You take my weakness and you make me strong
And I will always love you 'till forever comes
And when you need meI'll be there for you all the way
I'll be there your whole life through
I'll be there this I promise you,Mamma
I'll be your beacon through the darkest nights
I'll be the wings that guide your broken flight
I'll be your shelter through the raging storm
And I will love you 'till forever comes
Goodbye's the saddest word I'll ever hear
Goodbye's the last time I will hold you near
Someday you'll say that word and I will cry
It'll break my heart to hear you say goodbye
'Till we meet again...
Until then...
نايف الصميم كتب
صحيت بخبر حسيت بضيق واكتأب
ضليت لحظات بسكوت تام وسط المعمعه
ثم فّزيت لا مفتكر البس ايه ثياب
ثم فّزيت لا مفتكر البس ايه ثياب
هبيت مندفع والدمع اندفع من مدمعه
قلبي منصدم وعقلي بطل كنه خراب
قلبي منصدم وعقلي بطل كنه خراب
لا حشى كيف ارده؟ كيف استرجعه؟
لا حتى هذي ماهيه حقيقه، لا بل سراب
لا حتى هذي ماهيه حقيقه، لا بل سراب
والله لو بودعه لعيد الزمن، لا بل وارجعه
راحلة من الدنيا ، من الواقع بلا اياب
راحلة من الدنيا ، من الواقع بلا اياب
راحلة بلا اياب ولا حتى مودعه
تستقبلش الملائكة وتفتحلش الابواب
تستقبلش الملائكة وتفتحلش الابواب
وتسكنين فسيح جنات ربنا الواسعه
يا من تركتي المحبة بقلوب الأقراب
يا من تركتي المحبة بقلوب الأقراب
مخلده ... اسمك منحوت بالكل باضلعه
يا من كانت تتطاير فوق ويا السحاب
يا من كانت تتطاير فوق ويا السحاب
يا من عطيتي الخير ولا اراده تسترجعه
اليا اتذكرتي تفتخر انا كنا ليش قراب
اليا اتذكرتي تفتخر انا كنا ليش قراب
نتشامخ لقربنا ليش يالشموخ بمرجعه
يا من كنتي امانه مثل السوار بالارقاب
يا من كنتي امانه مثل السوار بالارقاب
"اللهم ردك اياها" .. مثلما قال ايوب يوم المعمعه
ياللي سيرة ذاتش تكون اجمل كتاب
ياللي سيرة ذاتش تكون اجمل كتاب
يشمل فيه مزاياش وعناصر الخير كلها معه
كنا بيوم على متن السفينة مجموعة ركاب
كنا بيوم على متن السفينة مجموعة ركاب
تجرينا الرياح على هواها بطريق ٍ نجهله
حتى هبُت رياحش وغيرت مسيار المركاب
حتى هبُت رياحش وغيرت مسيار المركاب
على طريق ٍ سليم ٍ كل ٍ بوده يوصله
اريتينا الخطى والصحيح ، واريتينا الصواب
اريتينا الخطى والصحيح ، واريتينا الصواب
لو بدونك كان خذينا طريق ٍ نهلكه
ولو بدونتش ماعرفنا المحبه والتحاب
ولو بدونتش ماعرفنا المحبه والتحاب
ولا عرفنا الخير باصله يامن كنتي منبعه
ولو بدونتش ما حلمنا وصوبنا فوق السحاب
ولو بدونتش ما حلمنا وصوبنا فوق السحاب
يا من كنتي اطول من جميع الشجر وافرعه
واعوذ بالله من "لو" والشيطان النصاب
واعوذ بالله من "لو" والشيطان النصاب
وبسم الله ابدأ صلاتي والادعيه
رحمة الله عليش وعلى كل من تاب
رحمة الله عليش وعلى كل من تاب
كثر حبات الرمل ، وقطر الندى ، والزهر واغصنه
رحمة الله عليش يافخر كل الشباب
رحمة الله عليش يافخر كل الشباب
ورحمة الحي القيوم مسخر الكون ومايشمله
راح نلتقي قريب مع كل الأقراب والاحباب
راح نلتقي قريب مع كل الأقراب والاحباب
قدام ربنا الكريم يوم نوقف تحت رحمته
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