Sunday, September 20, 2009

Nature's Rainbows

We held them in our parent arms

for days or weeks or years.

Now we hold them in our hearts

and cry the darkest tears.

The cord attached to children,

eternally fine and strong.

We never leave the missing;

it holds us all life long.

Our children now inside us-

our souls tattooed with gold.

Their love,their words,caresses,

are hugs that we still hold.

If we open to the knowledge,

that they aren't completely gone,

we will sometimes feel their touching,

sometimes soft and sometimes strong.

When they show us nature's rainbows,

we can feel their proud delight,

sending signs to show they're living,

only far beyond our sight.

By Genesse Bourdeau Gentry
Stars in the Deepest Night

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