Saturday, March 31, 2007
Rhythm and Blues (R&B)
History: R & B originated from the sociological, industrial, and technological changes that took place in the U.S.A just before and during World War 2, which was from 1939-1945. Leading the changes was a widespread shift in American demographics. Hundreds of thousands of African-Americans migrated from rural South to Midwest, Northeast, and West Coast cities, because they were attracted to fairly high-paying wartime jobs. In popular music, new styles were created to meet the changing tastes of this demographic group, leading to the development of the urbane sounds or R & B.
The changes that came with World War 2 were the invention of the electric guitar in the late 1930s and the discovery of the German-invented tape recorder by the music industry at the end of the war.
Although the sounds of early R & B music were being performed throughout the U.S.A., the recording of R & B began on two coasts. Former big-band jazz musician Louis Jordan formed a small band, and some might say he was one of the founders of R & B. He recorded mostly in the up-tempo, horn-driven style known as jump blues. The jump blues style he originated rapidly spread among African-American musicians, with distinctive regional variants emerging in cities such as New Orleans, Louisiana, and Memphis Tennessee. Jordan influenced every R & B artist in the 1940s, 1950s, and early 1960s.
R & B has three major forms that are distinguishable. The first and earliest one was called race, and it is very similar to the one Louis Jordan invented if not the same, and it was possible that these forms were in different parts of the country, so may be that is why they are slightly different. It appeared before World War 2 and it was the first one to disappear, it was the style of the “jump band” such a band was the often remnant whose avant-garde jazz members had left to join bebop, this music was interesting to hear, but impossible to dance to.
The second form of R & B was in the 1940s, mainly in the clubs and bars of Chicago, and it was often called Chicago Blues. Chicago Blues was played loudly by a small group with electric guitar, harmonica, electric bass, electric piano or organ, and drums. Melody lines and vocals drew heavily on the rural blues, with the rhythm strong and dance oriented.
The third and last major form was rather more diffuse; it was mainly vocal, with the instrumental backing varying from full orchestra to none at all. It was mostly performed by a group, the style employed close harmonies and nearly always medium to slow tempo. The church influence was pronounced; the lead voice tended to the upper register and often either rode over the wordless chords of the other or engaged them in a call response pattern.
Artists: Out of the many R & B artists, I have written only some of them, and they are:
1. Aaliyah
2. Tina Turner
3. Baby Face
4. Lavern Blake
5. Big Bertha
6. Blackstreet
7. Blaque
8. Mary J. Blige
9. Dane Bowers
10. Boyz 2 Men
11. Toni Braxton
12. Mariah Carey
13. Cleopatra
14. Kirby Coleman
15. R Kelly
16. Lionel Richie
17. Diana Ross
18. The Jackson 5
19. Janet Jackson
20. Donnell Jones
21. Brian McKnight
22. Monica
23. Chaté Moore
24. Mya
25. TLC
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 7 C
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
سمر رائدة فضاء
أنا سمر الأنصاري وأنا رائدة فضاء، وكان علينا أن نذهب إلى المريخ لنحضر الصخور الموجودة عليه. جاء معي رائد فضاء شهير اسمه جيمس أروين، وأفضل صديقة لديّ لطيفة وهي رائدة فضاء أيضاً
استيقظنا بالساعة السادسة صباحاً وتوجهنا إلى السفينة الفضائية وجاء معنا رجال الشركة الفضائية الشهيرة (ناسا) ورجال الأمن، وسيارة إسعاف تحسبا لو يحصل إلينا أي مكروه. دخلنا السفينة الفضائية وهناك ألبسونا خبراء البدلات بدلات الفضاء، واستلقينا على الأرائك التي كانت في غرفة صغيرة جداً حيث جلسنا هناك تقريباً لمدة ساعتين. كنت أفكر في أشياء كثيرة مثل عائلتي، فلو فشلت هذه الحملة هل سأراهم مرة أخرى؟ لم أكن خائفة من الموت ولكنني كنت خائفة على عائلتي، لو توفيت كيف سيعيشون بدوني. كنت أسأل نفسي إذا كنت على صواب بالموافقة على الرحلة، ولكنني لم أعرف الجواب. كنت متوترة جداً، كان العرق ينزل من على جبيني، وأحسست وكأنه يوجد فراشات في معدتي، ولكن أخيراً انطلقنا. أحسست بالخوف الشديد، ولكن عندما ابتعدت عن الأرض، أحسست بأنني غريبة وأنني منفصلة جداً عنها
أحسست بالنعاس في الرحلة واضطجعت قليلاً، و بعد ما استيقظت تكلمنا أنا وجيمس ولطيفة ولكن جيمس لم يكن خائفاً فقد كان على وجهه نظرة الخبراء ولكن لطيفة كانت خائفة. كنا في كل يوم نفعل نفس الشيء، جيمز يراقب الأجهزة ولطيفة تتكلم مع ولاية هيوستون و تحدثهم عن كل تفاصيل الرحلة. أما أنا فكان علي أن اجمع الصخور من على المريخ عند الوصول إليه و في هذه الأثناء أساعد جيمس فى وظيفته أيضا. كنت أشعر بالاطمئنان الآن ولكنني كنت مشتاقة لعائلتي. مرت الأيام والأيام ولكن أخيراً رأينا كوكب المريخ
وصلنا على سطع كوكب المريخ ونزلت عليه، وجمعت كل الصخور الجميلة من وجهة نظري، ورأيت الصخور المختلفة عن صخورنا، وكل شيء كان بغاية الجمال. كان كوكب المريخ جميلاً جداً، وعندما وصلت إليه شعرت بشعور لا يوصف. لقد نجحت الرحلة! ولكن الآن يجب أن نرجع إلى الأرض. دخلت الصاروخ وقلت لهم ما أجمل هذا الكوكب، وانطلقنا إلى الأرض. لطيفة قالت لهيوستن ماذا قلت عن المريخ، وعدنا إلى الأرض. وصلت إلى الأرض وأول شيء فعلته إنني قبلت الأرض، ومن ثم ذهبت إلى عائلتي، وأكلت وجبة شهية ولذيذة! ولقد اكتشفت إنني أصبحت مشهورة ولو جاءتني الفرصة أن أذهب مرة أخرى سأذهب لأساعد أهل الأرض التعلم عن الفضاء
سمر الانصاري
السابع - ج
Monday, March 26, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
SAMAR's personal statement to Rice University
I approached the podium, passing the other delegates, and had to go through the embarrassment of asking some delegates to move out of the way, or to move their chairs. It was taking me forever to reach the podium, and I could feel the delegates’ burning eyes watch my every move. After what seemed like a lifetime, I reached the podium, and began to think to myself, “if I considered walking to the podium an embarrassing and difficult task, how will I be able to talk in front of all of these people?”.
I collected my thoughts as I organized my papers, and consequently began to speak to the other delegates. At first it was somewhat nerve wrecking, but the more I talked, the more I felt at ease. As I began to engage openly with the other delegates, I soon forgot the reasons behind my nervousness. While explaining one particular point in the resolution, I instinctively grabbed a white board marker, and began to draw a direct application of economic theory, the externality graph. As I contextualized the diagram, I began to see more and more heads begin to nod in approval. After explaining the economics portion of my presentation, I returned to my table, and waited for the voting procedure to commence. To my utter ecstasy and delight, the resolution was passed, marking my first successful act as an amateur diplomat.
This event was one of the most significant events of my young life, because at that moment I realized the field of study I truly wanted to explore, economics. By using such a simple economic diagram, I was able to persuade delegates ranging from the Palestinian Authority to Albania, to agree to the resolution set forth. At that moment, I realized that economics is the key to cooperation between nations. Through economics, one can overlook the conflicting ideologies, religions, habits, etc that are accompanied with politics. Economics, to a great extent, deals with money, a universal concept independent of the prior setbacks. As a result, political and cultural barriers can be removed making the global community one step closer to the idea of a universal citizen. The magnitude of economics’ power to unify countries shown to me on the day of the conference showed me that by dealing with things at a small simple scale, you can affect change in a larger sense.
SAMAR Al Ansari
Grade 12
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
هدية عيد الأم
أمي الحبيبة إن قصرت في عطائي اليوم أعذريني
أنا لا أطمع بعيد الأم إلا بلحظة أضمها وأقول لها أعلم كم تحبيني
ام سمر
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
Other People
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
سمر كتبت عن الشباب
الإنسان قطعة من طين تشكله البيئة التي يربى فيها. نعم، ثقافتي متشابهة لثقافة الغربيين، ولكنني لست متشابهة معهم من ناحية اجتماعية كلياً. انني أفعل الكثير مثلما يفعل المراهقون في الغرب ولكن أضع لنفسي حدوداً وهذه الحدود وضعت لأسباب دينية، اجتماعية ونفسية. مثلاً، أذهب إلى السينما مع صديقاتي كما يفعلون فى الغرب، ولكن لن أذهب إلى السينما وحدي مع صديق. لا أفعل هذا احتراماً للمجتمع الذي أعيش فيه، ولوالديّ، ولديني الحنيف
سمر الانصاري
Monday, March 12, 2007
Friday, March 09, 2007
SAMAR Al Ansari's Talent Show Tribute (11)
Memories will keep us strong.. Although this tribute was short, it truely expresses how much you impacted our lives in different ways..
I know you are smiling down on us from above.. allah yr7mch
Layal Bushehri
SAMAR Al Ansari's Talent Show Tribute (10)
"I knew Samar since we were kids,but since the 9th grade, Samar and I became best friends. Samar loved the sunrise, tea, exercising, travelling, walking on the beach, learning, soccer, asking random questions,and much more. I love her and miss her so much, and if I could wish for anything right now I would wish to see her,hug her and tell her what an amazing friend she is. Samar you have inspired me so much ,and I would not have become the person I am today if it was not for you.
Samar,your name and spirit are tattooed in my heart now and forever and you will never be forgotten, and I will definitely make sure of that. No words can describe how much you mean to me , and how much you touched my life. Nothing I can ever do can be half as good as how much you helped and guided me ,and for that,I thank God everyday for making you a big part of my life.
I want to make you proud Samar ,because knowing that your happy with me is the best reward I can ever think of. We had many memories together from crying together to travelling together to running away from school together (I hope Mr Baraka is not listening to this) to just being there for each other all the time.
I love you so much and I know many others do too. I wish I showed you how much I loved and cared about you before I lost you,before I lost the most incredible person on this earth,before I lost the angel that rescued me. But no matter what, your always with me,even though I can not see you ,talk to you or laugh with you. What keeps me going on is knowing that one day we will meet again,and that day may be far away, but just knowing that it will come is enough for me, knowing that I will have the honor to be in your presence again is the reason why I am still smiling.
Everyone please read Surat Al Fateha on Samar's soul because every time you read it, God builds Samar a house in heaven, but read as much as you can because an angel like Samar does not deserve a house , she deserves a castle."
Huda Bushehri
Read by Hala Bushehri
SAMAR Al Ansari's Talent Show Tribute (9)
Hala Bushehri
Thursday, March 08, 2007
SAMAR Al Ansari's Talent Show Tribute (8)
" Samar, I miss you so much, I miss your talks and your funny comments. You are always on my mind wherever I am and I sometimes sit in my room and listen to your music and look at all our pictures of the good times we spent together especially the ones of this summer and then thank Allah for sending you to me. You are my angel that will always be by my side. I love you forever."
Sarah Samiey
Read by Fatima Samiey
SAMAR Al Ansaris's Talent Show Tribute (7)
Fatima Samiey
SAMAR Al Ansari's Talent Show Tribute (6)
Mariem Ameen
SAMAR Al Ansari's Talent Show Tribute (Chorus 2)
Every single day, every time I pray I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the days, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you
Somebody tell me why
One Black Morning
When this life is over
I know
I'll see your face
SAMAR Al Ansari's Talent Show Tribute (5)
Noora Al Zain
SAMAR Al Ansari's Talent Show Tribute (4)
Jawaher Al Zayyani
SAMAR Al Ansari's Talent Show Tibute (Chorus 1)
Every single day, every time I pray
I'll be missing you
Thinkin of the days, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
I'll be missing you
SAMAR Al Ansari's Talent Show Tribute (3)
Leyann Smilli
SAMAR Al Ansari's Talent Show Tribute (2)
Noora Al Sayar
SAMAR Al Ansari's Talent Show Tribute (1)
Reem Nooruddin
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
SAMAR Al Ansari's Talent Show Tribute (opening)
A Tribute…
A few words to our schoolmate, our friend, and to some a sister. Samar Al Ansari, we hope you’re watching us from above. This is for you.
Layal Bushehri
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Sunday, March 04, 2007
أمي ، لم أكن أتوقع يوما
أمي، لم أكن أتوقع يوما
بأنك ستقصين للملأ روايتي
و تتحدثين عني بفخر و تروين حكايتي
أمي، لم أكن أتوقع يوما
بأن قبلك ستكون نهايتي
و ستكونين كأم زينب التي قرأت عنها بروايتي
أمي، لم أكن أتوقع يوما
بأنك ستأتين لزيارتي
في المقبرة بدلا من المستشفى تباركين ولادتي
أمي، لم أكن أتوقع يوما
أن تركي و مشاعل و مساعد، سعادتي
حلم لم أحققه فالموت خطفني دون استشارتي
أمي، لم أكن أتوقع يوما
بأن حبك وحده كاف كزادي و مئونتي
يكفيني أينما كنت و يكفي حاجتي
أمي، لم أكن أ توقع يوما
بأن عينيك ستتزين بصورتي
وستتطربين بسماع صوتي المسجل أيام دراستي
أمي، لم أكن أ توقع يوما
بأنك ستسجدين على سجادتي
وتدعين أن يعفو الله عني و يؤنس وحدتي
أمي، لم أكن أ توقع يوما
أنك ستشاهدين الغروب من نافذة غرفتي
وتقبلين أشيائي بدءا بوسادتي
أمي، لم أكن أ توقع يوما
بأنك ستكملين بدايتي
تخططين لتحقيق ما كان هدفي و غايتي
أمي، لم أكن أ توقع يوما
بأنك ستكونين مرآتي و رايتي
وتطلبين من أحبائي أن يذكروني بابتسامتي
أم سمر
رنده حماده
©جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة
Friday, March 02, 2007
SAMAR wrote about 9th Grade
April, 2nd, 2003