Monday, March 30, 2009
William Shakespeare ( King John, IV, I, 93)
Lies in his bed,walks up and down with me,
Puts on his pretty looks,repeats his words,
Remembers me of all his gracious parts,
Stuffs out his vacant garments with his form;
Then have I a reason to be fond of grief.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
صف موقفاً كنت فيه إنساناً مظلوماً أو عادلاً
في يوم من الأيام ذهبت إلى السيرك لأشاهد القرد العبقري شيب . عندما وصلت إلى السيرك سمعت أن شيب قد هرب
بعد ما سمعت عن هذا الخبر الحزين، حملت حقيبتي التي كانت أثقل مما كانت عليه من قبل، وذهبت إلى السوبر ماركت لأشتري طعاماً. وضعت الكثير من الأشياء في العربة، و عندما وصلت إلى المحاسب، دفعت لأغراضي، وعندما ذهبت بين البوابة المغناطيسية بدأ الجهاز المغنطيسي يدق. أومأت العاملة إلي كأنني مجرمة وقالت إنني ابتدرت. ذهبت معها إلى مكتب الأمن وفتحت حقيبتي، ووجدنا بداخلها شيب يأكل الأكل المسروق. لم أعرف ماذا أقول! وضعوني في السجن مع شيب المجرم. وقالوا إن قضيتنا بعد ساعة. جاءني الشرطي بعد ساعة وقال لي: يا أمة الله احضري إلى مجلس الخصوم حالاً. ذهبنا إلى مجلس الخصوم وحكيت قصتي، فأطرق القاضي لمدة طويلة
حكم القاضي بأن أدفع ثمن الأغراض وأرجع شيب للسيرك. لم استطع أن أرجع شيب فاشتريته، وأصبح شيب من أعز أصدقائي. لن أنسى هذه القضية للأبد، ولن ينساها شيب
سمر الانصاري
الصف السابع - ج
Thursday, March 26, 2009
MUN Resolution
Forum: Human Rights Council
Issue: Reducing the costs of life saving medicine
Submitted by: France *
Co submitters: UAE, Germany, Australia, Belgium, Netherlands, India, El Salvador, Armenia, Chile, Bahamas, Palestine
Deeply concerned about the harsh lifestyles some citizens lead,
Deeply conscious of each individual’s right to live and thus stating that this right should be preserved,
Emphasizing the fact that lives are being lost around the world due to lack of access to affordable drugs,
Aware of the fact that pharmaceutical companies are business organizations looking for profit,
Noting with deep concern that a significant amount of individuals in underdeveloped nations, such as those on the African continent, are losing their lives to Aids;
Declaring that human life is more important than profit,
Convinced that in the long run, the international community as a whole will be better of because by giving the sick access to medication, it will prevent the disease from spreading
Noting with satisfaction that generic drugs are identical, or bioequivalent to a brand name drug in dosage form, safety, strength, route of administration, quality, performance characteristics and intended use,
1. Calls upon pharmaceutical companies to lower the prices of life saving medicine;
2. Requests for capable governments, business organizations, the UN, etc. to subsidize pharmaceutical companies in order to make up for their losses;
3. Encourages both the production and selling of cheaper generic drugs;
4. Further invites governments to launch media campaigns promoting the use of generic drugs in order for it to be clear to citizens that these drugs are safe;
5. Emphasizes the need for aid to be given to under developed countries in order for their governments to deal with such issues accordingly;
Aid could be given through the form of:
a) Donations
b) Loans
6.Urges countries and organizations to donate food and drink to the diseases, because it helps keep their immune system strong. Dehydration from diarrhea is still one of the leading causes of death in underdeveloped countries, and thus by having access to clean drinking water their lives could be elongated;
7. Encourages nations in promoting the use of alternative medicine,
8. Recommends the creation of emotional support organizations, because part of the healing process is emotional;
9. Notes that although medical supplies are limited, supplies such as injections should not be used on more than one patient because that will just cause the disease to spread;
10. Reminds nations that as it is important to solve problems, it is also important to prevent them. Thus, together the education facilities, media, and governments can work together to spread awareness on various diseases;
11. Further recommends that contraceptives such as condoms should be distributed and be easily available in order to prevent sexually transmitted diseases;
12. Calls upon nations to encourage its citizens to take blood tests in order for every citizen to be aware of the disease he/she carries;
13. Reaffirms the need of a mass media campaign to spread awareness on fatal contagious diseases;
14. Recommends bulk buying, this involves several countries getting together to make purchases of HIV Aids treatments, this will help to reduce prices in the countries;
15. Urges pharmaceutical companies to sell their drugs directly to WHO, and the WHO will distribute the drugs accordingly;
16. Resolves that the WHO creates distribution pipe lines, this involves taking surplus medicines from developed countries and distributing them to people in underdeveloped countries in need
*Samar represented France
11th grade, 2005
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
عودي أيتها الأيام
عندما كانت سمر طفلة على صدري تنام
عندما نطقت أول حرف وبدأت بالكلام
عندما كنت أجلس وأعلمها الحروف والأرقام
عندما كنا نذهب لشراء الكراريس و الأقلام
عندما كانت تسمع لي آيات من سورة الأنعام
عندما كانت تصطحبني لمشاهدة عروض الأفلام
عندما كنا نذهب للتسوق حتى تتعب الأقدام
عندما أصبحت صبية، يكن لها الجميع الاحترام
عندما كنا نطلق العنان للأماني و الأحلام
لماذا سريعا مررت أيتها الأيام و الشهور و الأعوام؟
!ليتك تعودي و تعيدين إلي سمر حتى لو بالمنام
©رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
Monday, March 23, 2009
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Mothers Day
As it emphasizes your empty seat
It comes and triggers tremendous pain
As you will never celebrate it with me again
The excitement you used to have when it arrives
Remains a cherished memory all our lives
You woke up early in your special way
To wish me a Happy Mothers Day
You gave me a present that you carefully chose
And placed a carnation on my food tray or a rose
I ask the Lord to help me this day survive
The heartache that it brings since you are not alive
I am helpless and there is nothing much I can do
Except enjoy the memories I shared with you
Thank you Lord for the love I always get
From my children who remember and never forget
The tremendous pain that everyday I am enduring
The fact that they understand is comforting and reassuring
I appreciate all the compassion and love that they give
My three are the dearest of all as long as I live
Randah R. Hamadeh, 2009, Copyright©
Written in loving memory of my daughter
Samar Ahmed Al Ansari (4/4/1988-4/9/2006)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Account for the final success of the Communists over the Guomindang despite efforts by the Americans to intervene.
Although the Guomindang were advancing, to the extent that they captured the Communist capital of Yanan, they lacked something the communists had-Lin Bao as a leader. The Communist party (later known as the People’s Liberation Army), approached new methods of warfare. They began to focus their attention to guerilla warfare, an alternative that seemed attractive in comparison to their previous techniques. Guerilla warfare consisted of night raids against Guomindang bases, destructing railway lines, ambushing patrols, and other types of unconventional forms of attack. By using such methods, the PLA were able to control much of central and northern China, forcing the Guomindang to go on the defensive. As the Communists acquired more land, its members grew, due to the extensive amount of peasants who began to join the Communists, due to the attractiveness of Communist policies concerning land and loans.
The economic conditions in the Guomindang held cities began to worsen greatly, for rapid inflation was destroying the purchasing power of the consumer. Not only did consumption decrease, but so did labor, due to the amount of strikes held. In addition, many turned to robbery as an alternative to the high prices. As a result of the bad conditions within Guomindang held cities, many began to turn to the Communists. The Guomindang’s grasp on its people began to loosen and it had to turn to its Blue Shirts to keep the order. But there was no use; the Guomindang itself was growing weaker as a political party.
In 1947, the United States recognized the weakness and coming collapse of the Guomindang, thus it cut off all aid, weakening the Guomindang position even further. At this point the PLA was large enough to abandon its guerilla tactics and turned to attacking tactics. In 1948, the Guomindangs and the PLA had the ultimate face off at the Battle of Huai-Hai, which led to the loss of more than half a million Guomindang troops and equipment. This defeat allowed the PLA to move freely, which led them to capture Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Finally, in October 1949, the Communists proclaimed the existence of a new, different China-the People’s Republic of China.
Samar Al Ansari
12 IB
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A nightmarish dream
Last night I dreamt of my son
A nightmarish dream I believe
Its been 17 months and a while
Since he was gone at 41
In the dream, Haas, 3 years old
Fearful, tearful
His body stretched tensely
Around my neck his hands held harshly
His small legs trying to reach around me
He held tightly, glued to me firmly
The dream was true, he was alive
I hushed his cries
I wiped his tears
We were one, he and I
A circle of bodies clamped together
Against the cruel and the unjust
They tried to pull him away
But could not divide
They tried to push us apart
But we were still one part
They had to strip off my skin
that was the only way.
For son and mom to split
To take him away
Wrapped in his mother’s membrane
The pain was great
I was awake.
By Najwa Mounla – Haas’s mom
Monday, March 16, 2009
Subah Bu Ali wrote for SAMAR
samar: irreplaceable,no words will ever be able to express it.ur more alive than ever, in every single one of us. Allah yir7imich yal'3alya.
If only you knew that these words apply to you as well dear Subah.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
على باب الجنة
رحبت بك كثيرا وعانقتك
لما فعلته من أجلها، شكرتك
أخذت بيدك يا صباح وطمأنتك
عن حلو الحياة فيها أخبرتك
وعما سيحدث هناك، أطلعتك
لا عذاب بعد اليوم بشرتك
عن الأهل والأصدقاء سألتك
قالت" لا تخف فأنا هنا بصحبتك
أخبرني بكل الأخبار التي لديك
لا تخشى على أمك، ستبقى برفقتك
لن تراك ولكن سترعاها بمحبتك
"ستستقبلها عندما يحين موعد رؤيتك
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة© 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
الفشل يحطم معنويات المرء ولكن يرفعها مرة ثانية. الفشل يجعلك ان تشعر بأنك إنسان تافه بلا قيمة، ولكن بعدما تتعلم من أخطائك، تشعر بأنك نضجت وأصبحت أفضل. الفشل ليس فقط فى مجال الدراسة والعمل، بل في كل أمور الحياة. فإنني فشلت كصديقة
ذهبت الى البيت ذلك اليوم بحالة تعتبر إحباط شديدة, فأنني فشلت كصديقة. كنت مندمجة فى دراستي لحد أنني نسيت عن صديقتي المفضلة. أنني رأيت مظاهر الاكتئاب على وجهها ولكن لم اعتقد ان المسألة خطيرة !! لم أعطِ صديقتي بعض من وقتي لكي أسألها عن حالها وأزيل عنها ألم الوحدة المرة. كانت صديقتي بحاجة لي، ولكنني كنت عمياء. فاهتممت بمصلحتي ونفسي ونسيت صديقتي الغالية
بعد لوم نفسي والبكاء على تصرفاتي، بدأت بالتفكير. كيف يستطيع البكاء أن يساعدني؟ صديقتي بحاجة إلي، فعلي ان أمد لها يدي وأساعدها. فشلي كصديقة جعلني استيقظ من سباتي العميق، فأراني المشاكل التي تمر بها صديقتي، فبدأت أتصل بها بالتزام، واقضي الكثير من وقتي معها لكي أظهر لها استعدادي لمساعدتها، معاً استطعنا ان نأتي بحلول لمشاكلها. الآن صديقتي ليست في حالة اكتئاب وأصبحت تقول لي ما كانت تخفيه عني قلبها الثقيل من قبل. لو لم أفشل لم أستطع بمساعدة صديقتي، ففشلي أظهر لي حالتها النفسية. ففشلي كان مثل الساعة التي أيقظتني من سباتي العميق فشلي كان وسيلتي لمساعدتها، فأحمد الله سبحانه وتعالى على هذه التجربة لأنني أشعر الآن بأنني أصبحت صديقة مهتمة بصديقاتها
هذه التجربة غيرتني، فأعرف الآن أن مهما كان لدي من العمل ، عليّ أن امضي وقت مع الشخصيات الرئيسية في حياتي، فهم قد يمرون بأوقات صعبة. تعلمت أيضاً أن أشارك في عالمنا الحقيقي ولأعيش في عالم يدور حلو العمل والدراسة
سمر الانصاري
الصف 11،3
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Friday, March 06, 2009
“I Grieve" by Peter Gabriel
it was all so different then
there's nothing yet has really sunk in
looks like it always did
this flesh and bone
it's just the way that you would tied in
now there's no-one home
i grieve for you you leave me
'so hard to move on
still loving what's gone
they say life carries on carries on
and on and on and on
the news that truly shocks is the empty empty page
while the final rattle rocks its empty empty cage
and i can't handle this
i grieve for you you
leave me let it out and move on
missing what's gone
they say life carries on
they say life carries on and on and on
life carries on
in the people i meet
in everyone that's out on the street
in all the dogs and cats
in the flies and rats
in the rot and the rust
in the ashes and the dust
life carries on and on and on and on
life carries on and on and on
it's just the car that we ride in
a home we reside in
the face that we hide in
the way we are tied in
and life carries on and on and on
and on life carries on and on and on
did I dream this belief?
or did i believe this dream?
now i can find relief
i grieve
You can hear the song at:
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
لماذا أتيت؟
هل كان عندك رسالة وأديت؟
وعندما أنهيتها ذهبت
فبقليل من العمر يا ابنتي تمتعت
ولكن رغم قصره، الكثير أعطيت
وبهجة في النفوس أشعلت
وحب لكل الناس يا ابنتي أهديت
فكم من الصداقات كونت
وهموم أصدقائك حملت
وكم من التضحيات قدمت
يا ابنتي، العمر الطويل حرمت
وأحلامنا يا حبيبتي دفنت
!آه لو تعلمين بحالي لبكيت
إن شاء الله إلى جنة الخلد وصلت
©رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة 2009