Thursday, April 29, 2010

فقدت اثنين

بفقدانك أبي أكون فقدت اثنين
من أغلى الأعزاء المقربين
فقدت سمر الصبية حلوة الحلوين
غصن من أغصاني الثلاثة اليانعين
رحلت حبيبتي دون سن العشرين
وأنت سندي وصديقي الأمين
إرثي وأصل جذوري المتين
ولسمر جدها وأغلى الغاليين
والأول من أحبائها القادمين
لتؤنسها وترعاها حتى يوم الدين
حتى نجتمع بمشيئة رب العالمين
رحمكما ربي ورب المسلمين

2010©رنده ربحي حماده

أم سمر
جميع حقوق الطبع محفوظة

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I Wish I Was a Dentist!!!

I wish I was a dentist because whenever I have a toothache I try to look at it but I can’t see and I can see the patients’ toothaches. I wish I was a dentist so I can help people everywhere who are in pain. I wish I was a dentist so I can use all the different instruments they use. I wish I was a dentist so I can wear white gloves and a white coat to make me look sophisticated and mature. Well that’s what I wish I was but probably when I grow older I will change my mind.
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 5D

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A Mother’s Grief

“In time, dear, your wound will heal
And you’ll observe changes in how you feel
Your suffering will lessen a great deal“
Words said to comfort but so unreal

Words that bring tears to a mother’s eyes
She is hurt but they don’t realize
What the loss of a child does even to the wise
A part of her is gone when a child dies.

Bereaved mothers are unique in their grief
Their bereavement is for life, not short and brief
Lamenting a child is endless, without any relief
Believe me, they aren’t in denial or disbelief

Accept their sorrow and endless pain
Their ultimate loss is of no return
Thank God they survived it and are still sane
Allow them to grieve without any restraint

Acknowledge that a mother’s heart will never heal
Understand what she goes through and feel
Try to be less demanding of her is my appeal
And don’t ask her to bury her sorrow and conceal

Randah R. Hamadeh, 2009, Copyright©
Written in loving memory of my daughter

Samar Ahmed Al Ansari

Monday, April 19, 2010

كانت شاهينة تملك نظرية خاصة عن الصور.فالصورة تموت إذا لم نسقها ماء. كانت تمسح الغبار عن زجاجة صورة أبي بخرقة مبلولة، وتضع تحتها إناء مليئا بالزهور والأعشاب الطيبة الرائحة. تقول إن الصورة تعيش بالماء والرائحة الطيبة .تقطف الحبق والورد الجوري وتضعها في المزهرية تحت الصورة،تنحني على الصورة بخرقة مبلولة ،وتحكي مع ابنها
مقتطفات من باب الشمس
الياس خوري

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Tall Tale

There was a group of friends that were going to summer camp. They reached and it was such a bad summer camp that they were the only kids there! The instructor there told them they had to share a very squishy tent together. They broke the tent because it couldn’t fit them all. After a couple of minutes a bear came and ate all their food and tore all their clothes and tents. Then it started to pour rain and they didn’t have any dry clothes! So they decided to look for civilization. They saw a cave and they stayed there for 3 days . After the 3 days policemen came to rescue them. Then the kids sued the camp.
Samar Al Ansari
Grade 5D

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

ليلة العمر

ها هم كلهم مجتمعين
أتموا عقد القران، فرحين
بمستقبل رائع، حالمين
ليتك يا ابنتي بينهم تقفين
وأحلى ثوب زفاف تلبسين
لكنت أجملهم بشهادة الحاضرين
بدر البدور الأضواء تسرقين
.شمس بأشعة الفرح تتلألئين
ليتك يا ابنتي تمهلت حتى تزفين
كي أراك حبيبتي، عروسا تختالين
وعلى أنغام الموسيقى ترقصين
ليتك تمهلت حتى ليلة العمر تعيشين
وأجمل ليلة من لبالي عمرك تشهدين
لاحتفلنا حتى مطلع الفجر بك مسرورين
بأن مشوارك مع نصفك الآخر ستبدئين
،لماذا لم تتمهلي حبيبتي؟ ذهبت تهرولين
.تاركة أحلامنا يا أغلى الغاليين

أمي كفاك شقاء! وكفى الزمن تعاتبين"
إن شاء الله بأخوتي قريبا ستفرحين
ودموع الفرح بدلا من الحزن ستذرفين
حينها سأقف بجانبك أستقبل جميع المهنئين
"والفرحة لا تسعك ومن قلبك تبتسمين
©رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Bring My Child Back to Me

Whisper,whisper,wind in the woods,
Bring back my child,here where he stood,
Let him laugh,let him shout,let him giggle with glee,
Wind in the woods, bring my child back to me.

Silence of morning, dew on the grass,
Give me peace in my soul,let this time pass,
Let my child sit beside me,let the two of us be,
Silence of morning, bring my child back to me.

Middle of night,so dark and so still,
Let me relax and remember at will,
Let my child in my thoughts drift forever to see,
Middle of night, bring my child back to me.

Sunrise and sunset,beginning and end,
Give me a day with my child,my friend,
We'll run on the beach, we'll play in the sea,
Sunrise,sunset,bring my child back to me.

Memories,memories here in my head,
Don't ever leave me,even though my child's dead,
Keep him alive,keep him strong,keep him free,
Memories of mine,bring my child back to me.
By Barbara Petterson

Friday, April 09, 2010

Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan

· Leftist government set up in Afghanistan in 1979 with Mohammad Taraki as prime minister.
· His reforms and secular style of government infuriated Afghani Islamists.
· War broke out between Taraki’s government and Islamic militants.
· Taraki looked to the Soviet Union for support.
· War reached an acute stage when Taraki was assassinated in 1979.
· By the end of 1979, Islamic militants controlled most of the country side.
· Hazfullah Amin became prime minister and launched a campaign of terror on his opponents.
· Thousands of Afghanis began to join the Mujahadeen-a guerilla force on a holy mission for Allah.
· Soviet Union feared that Amin could win the war against the Mujahadeen, and because of Afghanistan’s strategic location they believed it was in their best interest to invade Afghanistan and fight the Mujahedeen.
· Soviet Union invades Afghanistan-Dec. 25, 1979.
· Amin was assassinated on Dec 27 by the Soviets.
· Soviets replaced Amin with Babrak Kamal.
· War continued to be fought between Mujahadeen and the Soviets. In spite of the Soviet’s advanced weapons, they lacked the experience the Mujahadeen forces had with the mountainous terrain.
· In 1980, the UN condemned the Soviet Invasion but a Security Council motion calling for the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was vetoed by the Soviet Union.
· U.S. President Carter blocked all exports of grains to the SU, he also ended the SALT Talks being held.
· U.S. boycotted Olympic Games in Moscow in July 1980.
· U.S. began to give aid to the Mujahadeen indirectly through Pakistan.
· Reagan increased aid to Mujahadeen in 1981 providing them with Stinger missles.
· Towards the end of the 1980s, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and China began to give aid to Mujadeen forces.
· Gorbachev pulled Russians out of Afghanistand under the terms of the 1988 agreement.
· Mujahadeen at war with itself due to emergence of Taliban.

Samar Al Ansari
12 IB

Sunday, April 04, 2010

My Birthday

My birthday is today
Be happy Mother, meditate and pray

Although I am in heaven above
I continue receiving your gifts of love.

Remember all the birthdays I had
And how much you made me always glad

Today you should be very proud,
For I am still around

I accomplished on earth what I had to do
All that I did well is because of you.

Though my life was short and brief
I left a lot for you to find relief.

So beloved Mother, please don’t cry
In death, we have no say and can’t ask why

You and I are now one
You are my voice since I’m gone

Today, my candles you should blow
With a smile even as your tears flow

Put flowers next to my photo frame
Hug me and whisper my name

Give my brother and sister each a kiss
Oh how much their company I miss!

And in my name, a present donate
To someone who has an empty plate

This will surely be my gift
That will also give you a lift

Written in Loving Memory of my daughter,
SAMAR Ahmed Al Ansari
on her birthday

Randah R. Hamadeh©2010, Copyright

Thursday, April 01, 2010