Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Beast Within

Objective: Discuss Golding’s purpose and the ways in which it is achieved.

We are all beasts deep down. It sounds awful doesn’t it? What’s awful is that it’s true. In Lord of the Flies, William Golding addresses the theme that every man has a beast within that is tamed by society. As a result, when society is diminished, man’s beast is set free, and his savagery emerges. In the novel, the boys started off things in a civilized manner, but as the plot progressed and order and civilization began to lose their importance, the boys became savage. Authors use writing as a median to express their thoughts/opinions, or to fulfill a certain goal; all authors have purposes. Golding’s purpose was to convey his timeless and universal theme. Lord of the Flies was written shortly after World War II, a period directly after a time in which in inhumanity and darkness of man’s heart was at its peak. Golding used this novel to send a message, the message being the theme of the novel. Golding’s timeless theme is conveyed through the absence of referral to time, type of characters in the novel, use of symbols, and through author’s style.

Throughout the novel, there was no concrete reference to time. Some could argue that there were some references to time such as hair length and day/night, but these were subtle references used to advance and develop plot; “Toward noon, as the floods of light fell more nearly to the perpendicular, the stark colors of the morning were smoothed in pearl and opalescence” (58). This reference to time (noon), was used to create an image and introduce the plot of the chapter. Golding didn’t include references to time, because his theme was timeless and universal. He wanted people all over the world regardless of what time period to be able to familiarize with his theme. It is known to the leader that there was a war being fought in the ‘real’ world, but again, there was no reference to which war was being fought, “Didn’t you hear what the pilot said? About the atom bomb? They’re all dead” (14). Golding also refrained from mentioning material things such as books or toys, because as times change, so do peoples’ tastes and preferences. Golding had an important message that he wanted to deliver, so he did purposely did not include any references to time in order for his message to be timeless and universal.

Golding used various types of characters in his novel such as archetypal, real, and symbolic characters in order to achieve his purpose. All his characters appeared in such a way that the reader could familiarize with them. The reader could compare the real characters to people they know, or they could recognize the ideal that the symbolic/ archetypal characters embodied. If the reader recognized the characters, then it would make understanding the theme much easier. In the novel, Ralph served as the real character; he was the fallible young man that everyone could identify with: “Ralph too was fighting to get near, to get a handful of that brown, vulnerable flesh. The desire to squeeze and hurt was over-mastering”(115). Ralph was not perfect, he had his moment of weakness; he was flawed, like the rest of the world. His savagery emerged at a point in the novel, emphasizing Golding’s theme of the beast within. The characters also work on a symbolic level because Golding wanted to include ideals, or perfect examples of things in the society he created, so he personified them. Simon was the archetypal character of kind heartedness, “Simon, sitting between the twins and Piggy, wiped his mouth and shoved his piece of meat over the rocks to Piggy” (74). Simon was the perfect example of the kind hearted man, a Christ figure, included in the novel as a personification of kindness. His similarity with Christ also added spirituality to the society. Roger on the other hand was the foil character to Simon, he was the archetype of a sadist, “Roger led the way straight through the castles, kicking them over, burying the flowers, scattering the chosen stones” (60). Roger was the perfect example of man who’s beast has been set free with the absence of order and society, “Roger stopped, picked up a stone, aimed, and threw it at Henry-threw it to miss” (62). When Roger realized that no adults were present, his beast began to emerge, and as the story progressed and order began to diminish, Roger became more and more evil. When he killed Piggy, his beast was fully exposed. As for allegorical figures, Piggy was the allegory of logic, and he represented the adult voice in society, “Like kids!’ he said scornfully. ‘Acting like a crowd of kids!”(30).
Piggy was the voice of reason in their society, he tamed the beast within the boys to a degree, especially Ralph’s beast. Jack was the allegory of anarchy in the novel, his anarchy led for his beast to emerge as well as others’ beasts. Jack’s anarchy was first evident in the first argument between him and Ralph over shelter vs. meat/needs vs. wants, “We needed meat,”(71). The characters’ dual functions, symbolic and real, were an effective way of achieving purpose.

Another method of conveying his theme, was through Golding’s use of symbols. His own theme is symbolic, the beast within, meaning the evil within man’s heart. He used symbols to include the ideals essential to conveying his theme. The fire was symbolic of order and civilization, and as the fire began to lose its importance, civilization began to diminish, releasing the beasts within the boys. “The fire’s the most important thing. Without the fire we can’t be rescued. I’d like to put on war-paint and be a savage. But we must keep the fire burning” (142). In this quote Ralph conveys the theme; if the fire runs out, they will become savage. The fire represents civilization and if that is diminished, the evil within man will emerge, and he will become savage. As for the conch, it represented law and order, “That’s what the shell is called. I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak. He can hold it when he’s speaking” (33). The conch started losing its importance and anarchy began to emerge, “Conch! Conch!’ shouted Jack. ‘We don’t need the conch anymore”(101-102). When people like Jack began to neglect the conch, their savagery emerged. The Lord of the Flies symbolized the inner devil, “You know perfectly well you’ll only meet me down there- so don’t try to escape” (143). Simon’s conversation with the Lord of the Flies displayed the theme fully; only after their conversation is the reader fully aware of the beast’s identity. “You knew, didn’t you? I’m part of you? Close, close, close! I’m the reason why it’s no go? Why things are what they are?”(143). Finally, the beast symbolized the darkness within man’s heart, “However Simon thought of the beast, there rose before his inward sight the picture of a human at once, heroic and sick”(103). Simon was the only one aware of the beast’s true identity, the others were unaware of the beast’s identity, which then led to problems between the boys. Jack for example used the beast to manipulate the boys, and for a source of power. People began to go to Jack for protection, which led to crumbling of the original group. It’s ironic how people went to Jack for security because he offered protection from the beast, and the beast being the darkness of man’s heart is no longer tamed in Jack.

Golding uses mood, tone, and diction to convey his theme as well. The diction used in the novel was very simple and easy to understand, because Golding had an important message he wanted to spread and thought that through simplicity, it would be the most understandable. “I’m frightened of us. I want to go home. Oh God, I want to go home” (157). The simplicity of the diction in the quote created a better understanding of the theme to the reader. As for Golding’s tone, it was pessimistic. He was not very critical of man, but man was certainly displayed in a negative manner, “Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of a true wise friend called Piggy” (202). Golding knew that man will not repent, therefore his pessimism was obvious through the novel. His pessimism enables you to regard the theme with a high level of importance, because you realize how horrible man can be. Finally, the mood was very sorrowful. At the end of the novel, the reader feels overwhelmed by his newly acquired knowledge on the nature of man, and is left filled with sorrow. This sorrowful mood enables the reader to fully understand the importance of the theme of the novel. The reader realizes how evil man is, and is left disturbed while digesting this heavy theme.

Golding managed to achieve his purpose effectively, for the reader is left significantly affected by the theme. The timeless theme of the novel was successfully delivered to the reader through the absence of reference to time, character types, various symbols used, and the author’s style. The best confirmation to the success of the timeless theme is that more than fifty years after the novel was published, students still continue to study it in schools all around the world. Through character types, symbols, and author’s style, the reader comes to a full understanding of the theme, and is left disappointed and sorrowful over the darkness of man’s heart.
Samar Al-Ansari 11.5
Oct. 19, ‘04

Friday, August 28, 2009

Dying by Henry Van Dyke

I am standing upon the seashore. A ship at my side spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the blue ocean.She is an object of beauty and strength.I stand and watch her until at length she hangs like a speck of white cloud just where the sea and sky come to mingle with each other.Then someone at my side says,"There,she is gone." "Gone where?"Gone from my sight.That is all. She is just as large in mast and hull and spar as she was when she left my side,and she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined port. Her diminished size is in me,not in her. And just at the moment when someone at my side says, "There, she is gone!" there are other eyes watching her coming, and there are other voices ready to take up the glad shout," Here she comes!"And that is dying.
Henry Van Dyke

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


How did the phrase “I’m feeling blue” develop? I mean, when I’m sad, I don’t turn any shade of blue, actually I become quite flushed. The color drains from my face until I look quite sick. I’ve always wanted to know that. It’s weird, because blue is such a beautiful color, and it doesn’t indicate any sadness or grief. I think the term should be “I’m feeling black”. But wait, maybe people will consider that a racist statement.

Samar Al-Ansari 11.5

Oct. 3, ‘04

Monday, August 24, 2009

بالشروق تعانقيني

،وجدتك سمر مرة أخرى بالشروق
،وبدفء أشعة لندن، يا حبيبتي
،ومع بزوغ نور النهار يا ابنتي
ليتني أستطيع إخبارك أنني أعلم
بأنك بكل خطوة
ومع كل شعاع من أشعة الشمس
ومع كل دقة من دقات قلبي
و تقولين لي
أمي، أنا معك أينما ذهبت"
كيف لا؟ و أنا بفؤادك
!أمي، جففي دموعك
أنا هنا معك بلندن
وبكل أرض تطأها قدماك
،لم أجد أجمل من الشروق لاستقبالك
حتى تعرفيني
أمي، ابتسمي للشروق من أجلي
فبابتسامتك تقبليني
حدقي بالشمس! تجدين وجهي مبتسما
وحتما ستريني
تكلمي وكل ما عندك قصيه
ابعثي لي التحيات وأجملها أمي
سأرد عليك بمثلها أمي الحبيبة

©رنده ربحي حماده
(أم سمر)
جميع الحقوق محفوظة للمؤلفة 2009

Saturday, August 22, 2009

تحدث عن مظاهر الاحتفال بشهر رمضان في البحرين

يصوم المسلمون شهر رمضان وهو تاسع شهر من الأشهر الإسلامية والعربية، يسبقه شهر شعبان ويأتي بعده شهر شوال. نزل القرآن في العشرة الأواخر من شهر رمضان. الصوم لغويا معناه الإمساك، و الصوم شرعا هو الامتناع عن الأكل واشرب من طلوع الفجر إلى المغرب، والامتناع عن الشتم والسب والعادات السيئة الأخرى

مظاهر الاحتفال برمضان بالبحرين كثيرة منها: يعرف شهر رمضان برؤية الهلال من قبل وزارة العدل والشؤون الإسلامية التي تراها وتخبر كل دولة. وبإمكان رجل عاقل بالغ معروف بالثقة أن يخبر وزارة العدل والشؤون الإسلامية بأنه رأى الهلال. قبل زمن طويل كان هناك شخص يسمى المسحراتي ، و المسحراتي كان يقوم وقت السحور ويتمشى في القرية ويطبل و يدق على الأبواب ليوقظهم أما الآن فالمسحراتي ليس موجودا مثل ما كان في قديم الزمان لأن تطورت الدنيا والآن عندنا ساعات ،وتلفزيونات ومذاييع ،فلا يوجد داع للمسحراتي في زمننا هذا. شئ آخر يميز رمضان عن باقي الأشهر الأخرى هو صلاة التراويح. صلاة التراويح تصلى بعد صلاة العشاء وتمتد إلى صلاة الفجر، ولكن أفضل وقت لصلاتها بعد صلاة العشاء مباشرة، وصلاة التراويح سنة مؤكدة يجب علينا أن نصليها. بعد الفطور بساعات قليلة يحب الناس الذهاب إلى الغبقات والخيم الرمضانية. يذهبون ويأكلون ،ويتحدثون ،ويدخنون الشيشة ، ويسمعون أغاني ،ويلعبون الكيرم والنرد. الذهاب إلى تلك الخيم و الغبقات مسلي ومعظم الناس يحبون القيام به. في منتصف شهر رمضان نحتفل بالقرقاعون، وتحتفل به معظم دول الخليج. ما يحدث في القرقاعون هو أن الأطفال يذهبون من باب لباب لابسين اللباس البحريني التراثي ،ويغنون أغنية قرقاعون ويطلبون الحلوى، وأيضا في القرقاعون الرجال يلبسون زي الحصان ويرقصون ويظهرون كأنهم خيول.في رمضان البحرين لها أكلاتها الخاصة مثل السمبوسة بمختلف أنواعها والثريد الذي هو عبارة عن خضروات ولحم وخبز رقاق ، واللقيمات

أحب رمضان ويملأني الفرح ،لأنني أتسلى في رمضان ،وأيضا أكون قريبة من الله. أتمنى أن يأتي رمضان السنة المقبلة وأنا في كامل صحتي وأنا عائشة وأستطيع صوم هذا الشهر المبارك

سمر الأنصاري
الصف الثامن

Thursday, August 20, 2009

رسالة إلى أمي

سمر الأنصاري
الصف الثالث الإبتتدائي

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


“Hurt” by Nine Inch Nails exhibits a deep and serious meaning, which is felt by anyone and everyone. The songwriter (s) chose to write in such a personal way that the reader or listener would feel attached and interested to him. It is worded in such a way, that the reader feels a familiar feeling when reading it. The song isn’t exclusive to the writer, you can interpret it in any way you like.
Everyone has felt that they no longer felt and did as others did at some times, and the writer reveals that feeling in a personal way which grasps the reader or listener’s attention (“ I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel pain ”). In (“ I wear this crown of thorns, upon my liar’s chair ”),it was evident that the writer was writing about a personal experience in which he was an important figure (singer) and he felt that he wasn’t worthy of the position he was in this specific lyric like most of the song’s lyrics are not exclusive to the writer, everyone has felt like they were not worthy of what they have received and felt just like the writer does, bad. Everyone feels like they’re losing control of their lives sometimes, and when the writer talked about it in his song, the reader feels good about someone understanding him and capture the true meaning of the song. The writer talks about the fact that he doesn’t like what he is, but he likes who is (If I could start again, a million miles away, I would keep myself, I would find a way”) and that feeling is really understood by the reader, because he went through the same feeling.
This specific tone which exhibits a deep meaning, but is written in such a way that reminds you of your experiences and really touches your heart. The meaning of the song isn’t written down and exclusive to the writer, its meaning is interpreted by the reader and his own personal experiences.

Samar Al Ansari
Class 10.3
Sept. 19, ‘03

Friday, August 14, 2009

Why did I die?

Why are all these tears in your eyes?
I thought mothers should not cry!
They’re the ones
Who keep their children’s eyes dry
How ignorant was I!
A fact I can not deny
Until I left this world,
And reached the sky
And from above
Watched how much you cry
And felt your heartache
Oh, Mother!
Why did I die?

Summer Rays Copyright© 2009
by Randah Ribhi Hamadeh

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


It is human nature to be greedy, you always want more than what you have. This is getting to be problem, because as we go into the future, our resources are becoming scarce. Humans have unlimited wants, but unfortunately not enough resources. What will become of the world if man loses his ethics and infringes on people’s rights as individuals and takes their things away from them by force? There are a lot of hungry mouths and not enough food to go around…

Samar Al-Ansari

Grade 11.5

Sep. 21, ‘04

Saturday, August 08, 2009

Good Intentions

I can't stop thinking , feeling,

although you want me to.

My spirit's hurt and bleeding;

it contaminates,seeps through.

How huge the effort taken,

just going to work each day,

trying to concentrate on my tasks,

while keeping tasks at bay.

So when I leave the office,

the tears and pain swoop back.

The control I've kept on feelings,

released,tight bars relaxed.

Since evenings are my times to feel,

it's hard to stop again,

put them aside and listen,

to"who did what and when."

It's friendly conversation,

and you wish for me to join,

but in holding back my sadness,

I'm walled off too,from joy.

So I sit and staunch the bleeding

that no one else can see.

As the talk goes on around me,

I disappear quietly.

Genesse Bourdeau Gentry
Stars in the Deepest Night

Thursday, August 06, 2009

قال الشاعر علي الجارم

يصنع الصانعون وردا ولكن وردة الروض لا تضارع شكلا

في ضوء فهمك لنص الفن والطبيعة، قارن بين فكرة البيت السابق وبين ما عرفته من الدرس معززا رأيك بالأدلة في حدود خمسة عشرة سطرا

كل إنسان لديه رأيه الخاص به، وهذا الذي يفرده عن أخيه الإنسان فيجب علينا عدم القول "تفكيرك خاطئ أو تفكيرك صحيح." فلا يوجد رأي خاطئ ورأي صحيح

أمين نخلة فضل الوردة الفنية على الوردة الحقيقية الطبيعية لعدة أسباب. بالنسبة له ‘يظن أن الوردة الفنية فريدة وغير مملة فيقول أن ورود
الحديقة تجعله يشعر بالملل فيرى الورد كله متشابه وينتج نفس الرائحة. أما علي الجارم فيظن أن الوردة الحقيقية أحلى من الوردة الفنية الاصطناعية لأن الوردة الحقيقة لا يشبها شيء لأنه من خلق الله، وكلما حاول الإنسان أن يقلدها أما بصنع مثلها أو برسم وردة مثلها‘فلا يستطيع أن يا أتي بمثل الوردة. فان الوردة الطبيعية، الحقيقة نعمة من الله سبحانه وتعالى ،فأكيد هي أحسن من الوردة التي يصنعها الإنسان.أنا أشارك رأي علي الجارم لأن الوردة الطبيعية بالنسبة لي أجمل بمليون مرة من الوردة الفنية .والوردة الطبيعية تساعدنا في حياتنا اليومية ،فهي مصدر العسل والرائحة الطيبة وتجمل الأرض بألوانها الجميلة
عزيزي القارئ، لا أسألك أن تشاركني الرأي لأنني مثلما قلت من قبل، لكل شخص رأيه الخاص به. ولكن أطلب منك أن لا تنسى الجمال الطبيعي في هذه الدنيا مثل الورود الطبيعية
سمر الأنصاري
الصف العاشر

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Going to Places

Going to places has not been fun
Since the moment you were gone.

I try hard to put a smile on my face
And hide the pain that I within embrace

But still I am asked "Why are your eyes so sad?"
"Do you have any worries or did your day go bad?"

Or they might ask," Are you not well?"
What shall I answer? "I am going through hell".

Suppose I say, "For my beloved daughter I grieve."
They will be in shock, I believe.

I try very hard to get along
And show the world that I am fine and strong.

But the plight that I have faced
Is engraved in my face and can not be erased.

So listen, stranger, do not venture and ask
It is better for you that I keep the mask.

The happiness that I once enjoyed
In going to places is gone, leaving me void.

Summer Rays Copyright© 2009
by Randah Ribhi Hamadeh

Monday, August 03, 2009

Comment of Najwa Mounla- Haas's mom on Summer Rays

Dear Randah- Um Samar

I received your book "Summer Rays" this morning. Immediately I read it from cover to cover. Truly it was a solace.

I'd like to say 'Thank you" .
Thank you for sharing your journey of pain and sorrow with us - the bereaved parents.

While reading it :
I was hearing your painful howl, (my howl)
I was watching your broken heart, (my heart)
I was feeling the dark hole you are in ( my dark hole) and
I was sensing your bruised soul ( my bruised soul) reaching out.

Writing this book could have helped in your healing . And I'd like to say that reading it has been helpful in my healing.

Thank you.

Saturday, August 01, 2009

August 2009

وكم كانت مؤمنة والهدى على جبهتها ظهر
والقرآن ربيع قلبها حفظت منه العديد من السور

من قصيدة :حدثنني عن ابنتي سمر