Tuesday, July 29, 2008

A Song

I sing a sad song-
sadder than the sunset's walk
in the city of streets;
I feel grief in my blood
flowering from some hidden spring;
my friends,we die-
we sail into the end
without pausing to say goodbye;
our dreams,hopes,loves
come to an end
like footprints in the sand
chewed by the desert.

I sing a happy song-
happier than the sunrise
on another shore;
happier than the smile
a birthday-child smiles;
happier than a new kiss;
I feel a stubborn joy
conquering my blood;
my friends,we live-
we live each instant
to its deepest cores,collect
its treasures,trifle with its secrets,
lave ourselves within its ecstasy.

Of death and life I shall
a happy/sad sad/happy song

Ghazi Al Gosaibi
In: Seven Choices
by: Elizabeth Harper Neeld

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